Reflection report MARS model of individual behavour We recommend you structure your reflection as follows: • Literature Review (500 words) – describe the theory/model which the tutorial task is based upon (Mars Model of Individual Behavior) and conduct a short review of the theory (what are its main tenets, does it have empirical support, major limitations). IMPORTANT: Only choose ONE aspect of MARS ( either Motivation or Role Perception), to focus your reflection. • Reflection (250-300 words) - Reflect on the tutorial task (or personal work experience). Discuss how the theory provides insight into the task/experience by applying the theory to interpret what occurred and why. • Learning: (200-250 words) Conclude with what you have learned from applying the theory to either the tutorial task or your personal work experience. You will need to reflect not only on what you learnt, but also how this learning has helped you to consolidate, modify or adapt your professional behaviours and/or why this learning will inform your professional practice in the future. Choose the tutorial activity based on MARS model of individual behavour and reflect upon what you have learnt from the task and how this learning will inform your future professional practice. * or a personal work example but the focus needs to be on how the theory which was covered in one of the tutorials gave you insight into a work behaviour and how this insight/learning informed your future professional practice. Reference List A reference list is required. Use APA (6th edition) format. Required Format 12 font, 1.5 spacing (double-sided printing) Number all pages The word limit is 1000 words, not 1000 + 10%. All words (excluding the title page amd reference list) are included in the word count