Research Questions and Sub-questionsFor this project, which in total is worth 15% of your final course mark, you will be using some of the basic data analysis techniques learned in this course to summarize and analyze a statistical question. You will be asking a statistical question that can be answered with the statistics we learn throughout this course, then collecting data from reliable sources for analysis. This data will be summarized usi...
1 ) The paper should be 10-14 double spaced pages for the main text, NOT including cover page and appendices (or tables or figures). Iâd expect 12 pages on average for the main text, but as long as you can report and explain what you did, fewer is better (even less than 10 pages). If you go in the other direction, 14 pages is the maximum. These pages are for your introduction (1-2 pages), brief discussion of a few releva...
Pet Ownership and Heart Attack Survival1.A medical researcher wants to know if pet ownership increases the probability of living one year after a heart attack. A total of 200 coronary patients were asked if they owned a pet and were followed up one year after a heart attack to see if they were still alive. 2.A memory researcher is interested in how atypical actions in an event (e.g., the cash register falling on the floor while your in line...
Problem 1Suppose µ is the average height of a college male. You measure the heights (in inches) of twenty college men, getting data x1, · · · , x20, with sample mean ¯x = 68.55 in. and sample variance s 2 = 16.24 in2 Suppose that the xi are drawn from a normal distribution with unknown mean µ and unknown variance σ (a) Using the sample mean and variance, construct a 90% confidence interval for &...
InstructionsPlease read the following instructions carefully before start answering the questions:•Please answer ALL TWO questions.•Please write your code in the R code template or the R markdown template. After you have done all your questions, you should run your R code and save R outputs (in cosole or in R markdown) in the order they are produced by copy and pasting them into a separate Word file. If you are coding the in .R file ...
This question relates to stratified sampling You should be familiar with this following dataset from your assignment 2. Copy these following three lines to R. Make sure you are connected to the internet while running these lines. It will load the “crabs” dataset to your working environment. if (!require("glmbb")){install.packages("glmbb")} Loading required package: glmbb Warning: package 'glmbb' was built under R ve...
Background and IntroductionThe main aim of the experiment was to investigate any differences among the long-term effectiveness of each therapy between the treatments. It was also important to see how much variation was associated with differences among the patients and among the clinic centers. Perform an informal examination (plots, descriptive statistics) and a formal statistical analysis (appropriate statistical testing) of this data and pr...
Learning OutcomesAs part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Data Handling and Decision Making essay. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. After completing the module, you should be able to: Analyse methods of auditing dataholdings and gap...
Importance of the Economic Problem or Issuea. Why do you think the economic problem or issue you are planning to examine is so important?b. Review of literature: review the past work on this or related issues by other researchers/economists.Library is an excellent source for scholarly journals and articles. You must cite at least two journal articles in your paper. You can also search internet.3. Me...
Mica ThicknessReview the data from Ott on Mica Thickness measurements. The data shows samples of five from 40 batches of shipments. Considering the funnel experiment literature and class experiment, Funnel data shows the results of such experiment. Discuss the four rules using XmR chart of each rule and related variation. It is helpful to produce the charts in sequence (side by side) to observe the impact of rules. A classic paper by Man...
Learning OutcomesAs part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Data Handling and Decision Making essay. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. After completing the module, you should be able to: Analyse methods of auditing data holdings and gap identification. Critically analyse theore...
Problem 1: Partition-P&NReminder: The point of homework in this course is to learn by doing. You will not learn this material by copying the solution from somewhere else so don’t waste your time looking for solutions. DO consult the textbook and the lecture notes. You may discuss the homework with other students if you get stuck, but you must write up solutions yourself. Do NOT exchange written material by you or anyone else with other...
Part A. Hypothesis Testing with CorrelationsPart A. Hypothesis Testing with Correlations (12 points)Use Chapter 15 Data Set 1 to answer the questions below. Do the analysis using the Excel Data Analysis tool. a. State a null and research hypothesis related to motivation and GPA.b. Compute the correlation between motivation and GPA. (Hint: View this video about calculating a correlation coefficient between two variables) &nbs...
Introduction The study of epidemiology is a cumulative discipline, so while the emphasis for Exam 2 is on the material since the first Exam, you are still expected to know about earlier concepts that are built upon such as rates, etc. Â Epidemiology Calculations/Measures of AssociationOdds Ratios and their Variance (covered in biostats)Matched Odds RatiosRelative Risks and their Variance (covered in biostats)Confidence Intervals ...
Task 1 (20%)TAKS 1 (20%) – in this part, you are asked to describe where did you get your data from, how did you prepare your dataset, describe the dataset, and comment on the overall quality of your data. (Students who submitted their first draft of Task 1 should include the improved version and submit it together with Task 2.)How to submit? There will be a submission point on Moodle. What to submit? Data file (Excel file or Stata da...