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Nursing Research Paper – Definition and Components

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Research papers are detailed and exhaustive assignments designed to assess students’ knowledge of their courses. Nursing research papers test the mettle of nursing students while also grading them on their grammar, innovation, and research ability.

However, answering the nursing research paper questions without any guidance can be difficult for any student. Like any research paper, students must take care of several components that make a nursing research paper publishable. So, let’s take a quick look at the key components of a successful nursing research paper –

Research papers are detailed and exhaustive assignments designed to assess students’ knowledge of their courses. Nursing research papers test the mettle of nursing students while also grading them on their grammar, innovation, and research ability.

However, answering the nursing research paper questions without any guidance can be difficult for any student. Like any research paper, students must take care of several components that make a nursing research paper publishable. So, let’s take a quick look at the key components of a successful nursing research paper –

Research Paper Title

Finding an appropriate nursing research paper topic is crucial. This decides whether you can find a catchy research paper title. Having an attractive research paper title helps to draw the attention of the readers immediately to the research paper.

For example – “Stress and Health in Nursing Students” is an example of research paper title.


Here you need to briefly describe the nursing research topic in a few sentences. You don’t need to explain but cover all the vital points before moving on to the introduction.

For example, the abstract can start like –

“The aim of this research is to explain the methods that can investigate the role of behavioural, social, and environmental factors to assess the adverse effects of stress on nurses…”


You have selected a research paper topic on nursing. Now you have to introduce it to your audience. Give a background detail of the topic to make it familiar to the readers.

For example, an introduction can start like –

“Evidence indicates that social, behavioural, and environmental factors can put immense stress on the health and performance of nurses, especially those who are working in critical care units…”

Literature Review

Give a holistic overview of the nursing research topic by mentioning previous works. You can specify various sources, like books, reports, government data, journals, websites, etc. This should provide a summarised description of the literary works and an evaluation of the mentioned sources.  

For example, we can mention previous any previous work on similar topics like –

“O. Alvarez, Hector B.; Nursing Research 69(6): p 520-589.”

Research Methodology

After the literature review, you have to specify the research methodology you are using. There are different forms of conducting research, and you will need to mention any method(s) you are using. This validates your research in front of others.

For example,

“In this research, I have decided to take a quantitative approach, because…”


List down the results you have achieved.

For example,

“From the research, these are findings that I have made -” and continue listing down the findings.


After the results are listed, you need to discuss those. Discuss by comparing them with your research objective and assessing if they have met your expectations.

For example,

“This data clearly shows that the point I mentioned is justified. The research summarises the life and activities of the nurses from different demographics, and…”

Managerial Implications

If your results match your expectations, continue discussing how it can be implemented in a real business scenario.

For example,

“These research findings will be most beneficial for super-speciality hospitals and nursing homes in big cities. It can happen because…”


Conclude the research paper by confirming if the research result solved the issue you initially addressed.

For example,

“I hereby want to conclude by saying that…”


Simultaneously students should list down all the challenges they faced that limited their research scope.

For example,

“The challenges I faced while doing my research are –

  1. Availability of the sample size…”
  2. Future Scope

Also, mention if there are any future scopes of improvement on the matter and how it can be bettered with future studies.

For example, “Using the research finding, future researchers can further know about…”

Steps to Find Out the Best Nursing Research Topics

Finding out the best nursing topics for research papers is a struggle most students are familiar with. However, it can be really easy if you can follow certain steps –

  1. Identifying the area you want to do your nursing research on. The area you are choosing should be something you are passionate about.
  2. Start gathering as many nursing research topics as possible on the chosen research area.
  3. Collate all the nursing research paper topics and brainstorm to eliminate the ones with minimal research scope.
  4. Choose nursing topics for your research paper, including those related to “Dissertation Writing,” from the shortlisted topic list. You should also be comfortable writing about it.
  5. The research topic you have finalised should have enough nursing research questionsto explore the topic you are working on.
  6. The research questions for nursing assignments should also satisfy the guidelines set by the university or the professors.

Steps to Write the Most Stunning Nursing Research Papers

  1. Identify a topic for a nursing research paper that interests you. At the same time, you should have a detailed understanding and strong knowledge about that topic.
  2. Conduct an in-depth analysis of the nursing research topic. Create a solid thesis statement based on your analysis.
  3. Use the right research methods to do detailed research on the nursing research paper topic, ensuring that your exploration aligns with the key aspects of thesis writing. Use the research questions to unearth more information to support your thesis statement.
  4. As you have gathered all the points, draft a research outline. The outline should be well-structured and include an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  5. Use the outline you have created to write a detailed nursing research paper on “Research Paper Writing“. An ideal nursing research paper should have an engaging nursing research paper topic and explain all the other major elements relevant to the paper. The paper should also support the thesis statement through enough evidence and examples.
  6. Nursing students should thoroughly proofread the research topic and the entire paper after completing it. They should give extra effort to ensure they submit a flawless research paper without plagiarism.

5 Factors to Consider while Choosing the Best Nursing Research Topics

  1. Relevant

The topics for a nursing research paper should be something you are comfortable with and relevant to the course. You cannot write about a nursing method or practice that was abolished long ago.

  1. Original

Look out for fresh nursing research paper ideas. Avoid any generic concepts that have already been worked on several times. Professors expect you to work on an original idea which previously unexplored.

  1. Explorative

Look for topics that give ample scope of exploration to the researchers. This is why nursing quantitative research topics are a good option. You can find abundant data and facts that you can explore for your research.

  1. Interesting

The nursing research paper topic should also be interesting. It must engage the readers and add value simultaneously. Find old examples of nursing research questions to understand how to find an interesting topic.

  1. Meaningful

The paper topic should also be meaningful. If you are unsure of how meaningful topics should be, refer to examples of research questions in nursing papers on the web.

 A Collection of the Best Nursing Research Topics

We know that finding the best nursing research topics at the last moment is extremely difficult. You seem to have run out of ideas. Hence, here we present you 100+ trending nursing research paper ideas that can inspire you –

Child Nursing Research Topics

  • Autism and Vaccination
  • Causes and Treatment of ADHD
  • Eating Disorders in Students
  • Adverse Impact of Social Media on Teenagers
  • Effects of Antibiotics on Preschool Children
  • Obesity in Children and Healthy Eating Habits
  • Causes of Seizures in Infants
  • Medical Practices on Adolescent Students
  • Speech Disorder Therapy
  • Ethical Issues in Paediatric Care

Adult Nursing Research Topics

  • Reasons for Anxiety Disorders
  • Acute Coronary Syndrome Treatment
  • Innovations in Clinical Cardiology
  • Non-chemical Practices to Cure Bipolar Disorder
  • Migraine in Adults
  • CV Imaging Process
  • Evolution of Sports Medicine
  • Psychiatric Care and Mental Health in Adults
  • Obesity and Its Effects on Adults
  • Advancements in Oral Treatment

Midwifery Nursing Research Topics

  • First Antenatal Appointment Analysis
  • Neonatal and Maternal Practices in Suburban and Rural Areas
  • Shift Study for Midwives
  • Post-natal Period and Mental Illness
  • Midwifery Care for Natal Safety
  • Self-Instruction Kits for Midwives
  • Childbirth Efficacy Analysis
  • Challenges of Gestational Weight Gains
  • Safety Rules for Obese Pregnant Women
  • Positive Birth Experience Case Studies

Elderly Care Nursing Research Topics

  • Alzheimer’s Disease in Elderlies
  • Joint Disorder Problems among the Elderly Population
  • Bladder Cancer Therapy
  • Prostate Issues in Senior Citizens
  • Atrial Fibrillation Study
  • Critical Care Requirements for Senior Citizens
  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  • Precautions for Parkinson’s Disease
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Ethical Norms in Geriatrics

Women’s Health Nursing Research Topics

  • Prognosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer
  • Ethical Rules about Treating Infertility
  • Challenges of Menopause
  • Ovarian Disorder Analysis
  • Modern Neonatal Practices
  • Reproductive Endocrinology
  • Pregnancy Prevention Measures
  • Causes of Vaginal Atrophy
  • Sleep Disorder in Females
  • Sexual Disorders in Female

Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

  • Causes of Depression in Young Adults
  • Causes of Depression in Elderlies
  • Alcoholism and Drug Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Diagnosing Schizophrenia
  • PTSD among Army Personnel
  • Stress in Police and Medical Practitioners
  • Video Games Contribute to Teenage Aggression
  • Physical Trauma and Recovery
  • Ethical Rules for Psychiatric Patients

Pain Management Nursing Research Topics

  • Protocols for Treating Headache
  • Abdominal Pain Management in Infants
  • Innovative use of Injection
  • Using Opioids for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Pros and Cons of Therapeutic Injections
  • The Controversy of Botulinum Toxin to Manage Pain
  • Use of Opioids in Bone Healing
  • Myofascial Pain Rehabilitation
  • Phantom Pain Phenomenon
  • Analysis of Pain Limits in Different Individuals

Primary Healthcare Nursing Research Topics

  • Ethical Data Collection in Primary Healthcare
  • Evidence-based Recommendation in Primary Care
  • Modern Vaccination Programmes in Remote Areas
  • Economic Evaluation of Primary Health Care
  • Private Sectors in Mental Health Service System
  • Primary Healthcare Services in Childcare Integration
  • Unexplained Medical Symptoms in ER
  • Different Methods of Medical Care Quality
  • Pharmacists Involving in Physician’s Work
  • Strategic Bias in Healthcare Financing

Obstetrics Nursing Research Topics

  • The ethical side of Abortion Care
  • Prevalent Practices in Delivery and Labor Management
  • Adolescent Gynaecology
  • Dangers of Pre-Term Labor
  • Preparation for Caesarean Section
  • Causes for Hypertensive Disorders
  • Rules for New-born Resuscitation
  • Antenatal Care Recommendations
  • Challenges of Saving both Mother and Child
  • Delivery Room Essential Checklist

Nursing Career Research Topics

  • How Nursing Theorists Work
  • Ethical Rules of Treating Homeless Patients
  • Critical Care Nursing Management
  • Nursing Practitioners
  • Diversity in Healthcare
  • Roles of Clinical Nurses
  • Challenges of Nursing Professionals
  • Stress Management for Night Shift Professionals
  • Challenges with Remote ICUs
  • Future of Nursing in the Digital Age

Quantitative Nursing Research Topics

  • Major Reasons for Heart Attacks
  • Evaluate Critical Care Nursing
  • Best Ways to Medically Manage Stress
  • Ethical Assessment of Assisted Suicide
  • Advantages of a Healthy Diet
  • Best Ways to Tackle Cardiovascular Problems
  • Differences between Home Care and Nursing Homes
  • Key Roles of Nurses in Teaching Self-Care
  • Challenges of Chronic Diseases Management
  • Main Causes for Anxiety Disorders in Patients.

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Most Frequently Asked Questions By Students

Question: What is a topic for quantitative research nursing?

Answer: Quantitative nursing research refers to any research that uses quantifiable data to do research as accurately and efficiently as possible. An example of a Quantitative nursing research topic is – Analysis of the Efficiency of Telemedicine.

Question: What is meant by nursing research?

Answer: Nursing research is the detailed study of what nurses do. It helps us to understand how nurses help patients to recover, take care of patients with disabilities, and nurse them to help recover in the fastest way possible.

Question: What is nursing research, and why is it important?

Answer: According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, nursing research provides people with the knowledge that facilitates advanced nursing practice. They go through rigorous assessments to discover findings and scientific inquiries that can shape health policy and improve global healthcare.

Question: What are the two types of nursing research?

Answer: The two types of nursing research are –

  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative

Question: What is an example of nursing research?

Answer: One example of nursing research is –

  • Detecting the type of bruise in a patient by identifying the change in skin tones

Question: What is the importance of nursing research in nursing education?

Answer: Nursing research helps us to demonstrate the contribution of nursing to wellness and health, answer questions about prevalent practices, and confirm our knowledge.

Question: What is the importance of nursing research?

Answer: Nursing research provides empirical evidence to prove how nursing helps patients to recover. It also answers all our doubts, challenges existing processes, and looks to find better ways to serve patients.

Question: How do I find a nursing research topic?

Answer: Follow these tips to find a good nursing research topic

  • Choose a topic you are interested in
  • Shortlist topics and choose something manageable and researchable
  • Know the university guidelines
  • Refer to class lectures, and notes
  • Brainstorm ideas

Question: What makes a good research topic?

Answer: The qualities of a good nursing research topic is –

  • It should be precise
  • It should be unambiguous
  • It should be meaningful

Sophia Martin

Hi, my name is Sophia Martin, a Broadcast news analyst by profession and a writer by passion. I am an active blogger who loves blogging about the latest fashion and makeup trends. Apart from this, I also work as an English writing expert for I have written several English writing samples for prominent academic websites. I have 6+ years of experience guiding students to tackle their complex English writing tasks. When I am not working, I am probably hopping around, discovering the latest fashion and makeup trends or searching my next read at a book store. Or maybe reading one at some cafe!

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