Many people, especially students tend to think that what could the possible way be out to write a persuasive essay for the reader. Actually, if some simple steps can be followed, keeping the format in mind then writing a persuasive essay won’t remain an uphill task any longer. The three thumb rules that you can follow here are Think Cool, Write Cooler and Rectify Coolest. The terms may be unusual but can be explained as you read further.
As per this rule, you always need to keep in mind that you need to give time to the essay in order to persuade the reader through it. If you are not in an exam hour then it’s always wise to spend time patiently jotting down the appropriate points and other material in an elaborate manner. Clubbing the entire content in a hap hazard manner, won’t make your essay persuasive enough for the reader. So always give yourself enough time to patiently think over the topic and content related to your persuasive essay task.
When it comes to writing the essay, you need to keep certain points in mind while following this rule. Since it’s strongly believed that First Impression is always the Last Impression so always go for a catchy essay title. If the title catches the attention of the reader then it becomes a little easy to persuade him or her to come over to your essay for a go through. In the next stage, the introduction should also be attractive as well. It’s possible by mentioning an interesting quote, stating an interesting fact which relates to your topic or even starting with an interrogative statement to which your essay is the solution. If the reader gets hooked to your essay’s introduction as well then it shows that you’ve managed to persuade him for reading your essay even further. The next point can be to categorize your essay into well defined paragraphs with a maximum of three to four in number. Each one of them can consist of your topic’s main points to back your argument. It’s very important for you to state your main points with concrete evidence so that the reader may be convinced with your argument. As an example if you write “Social Media is influential”, rather than this you can state that “Social Media is now also being used by governments to communicate with citizens in the shortest time possible”. Also make sure to maintain continuity within your essay so that the reader’s mood doesn’t fade off. It means that the point of a paragraph’s last sentence should match with that of the next paragraph’s first sentence. Finally, don’t forget to summarize all your main points within the conclusion of your essay so that the reader remains persuaded with your work for a long time.
Make sure to go through the essay more than once after you have finished it. In the first check you may come across many possible spelling errors with the help of your computer’s spelling checker. In the second and further checks you may also come across grammatical and other language style errors which you can rectify. A simple and error free essay can surely persuade your reader to a great extent.
These Are the Three Thumb Rules That Can Help You Write a Persuasive Essay.
Convincing Essays have a Convincing Back End Source:-
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