Instructors have three good reasons for assigning review essays to you. First, a review essay requirements ensure students will do the required reading or assess whatever else is being reviewed. Second, the whole process of essay writing makes students more logical because they spend a lot of time searching for a suitable topic, finding sources, interweaving all the sources matching their own ideas. Third, review essay writing provides the practice in one of the most valuable skills of academic writing: the skill of critical reading.
And all these days, you thought writing a review essay was just another boring academic task. So from now onwards, you should pay full attention to it. To ease your way, our expert review essay writers will teach you how to write a review essay.
How to Become a Good Review Essay Writer?
essay writing requires you to summarize and evaluate a text critically. It can be anything, a book, a single chapter, a journal article or a film. Your responsibility as a review essay writer is to read the assigned text or assess the source in detail and to review the related text and sources critically to present a fair reasonable evaluation. We understand this is not an easy task after all. You may want to know what is critical reading? How to do it right?
In review essay writing, to be critical does not mean to criticize in a negative manner. Rather, as a review
essay writer, you are required to question the information and opinions in a text or sources and put up your evaluation of the text. To present a quality review essay, as a review essay writer, you should attempt to evaluate the review essay topic from different perspectives in relation to the theories, approaches and framework. Read on to understand how to write a review essay by evaluating the assigned in the perfect manner:
1. Contextualize
Usually you are reading something that is written in past or radically different time and place. To critically read, you as a review essay writer need to contextualize which means to recognize the difference between the contemporary values you maintain and those described in the text.
2. Question the presented information
In review essay writing, if you ask a question while reading the text you will understand the subject better and remember it longer. While reading each paragraph, the review essay writer should focus on the central idea of the paragraph and question its relevance, purpose and significance.
3. Outline and summarize
You need to look closely at the content structure of the reading selection to understand the basic structure of the text. You are required to summarize the main argument in brief. This way, you can distinguish between main ideas, supporting ideas and examples. You write down the main ideas in your own words so that you can understand the text.
4. Evaluate the argument
As a review essay writer, you should not accept anything on face value but recognize every assertion as an argument that should be critically assessed. Claim and support make an argument. The writer makes a claim – an idea, an opinion, a judgment because he/she wants the readers to believe. Later, the support gives the readers the practical examples of their views. When you analyze a text, you are required to find the reasoning behind the argument and also assess the truthfulness of the presented facts and information.
5. Compare and contrast related texts
You will find many writers approach the same issues and questions, but their approach discussing the issue differs from one to another. This is why you should consider reading related text to increase the understanding concerning the topics. To know how to write a review essay, continue reading this article.
General Criteria for Evaluating Text
You can use the following list of criteria to evaluate the text critically and for preparing a review essay. It is possible that the instructor will limit you to few specific criteria or you can choose on your own. We are putting emphasis on this evaluating text because this is the central idea of review essay writing. If you want to get an answer to your question, ‘how to write a review essay’, you should read this carefully.
Significance and Contribution to the Field (Criteria 1)
If you are assessing a text on this criterion, your possible focus questions should be,
• What was the author’s aim?
• To what extent the author became successful in achieving his aim?
• Does this text make you knowledgeable or learn something that was unknown to you?
• What relationship does it bear to other works in the field?
• Is there anything you would like to add in this text?
Methodology or Approach (Criteria 2)
In case, you are evaluating a text based on this criterion, you should ask these following questions,
• What approach was used for the research?
• Are the results described in the text valid and reliable?
• What framework is used to discuss the results?
Argument and Use of Evidence (Criteria 3)
If you are preparing your review essay in the context of this criterion, you need to refer to these possible focus questions while reading the text,
• Is there a clear problem that the writer addressed?
• What claims are made?
• Is the argument consistent?
• What kinds of evidence does the writer put up?
• How valid and reliable the evidence is?
• Does the evidence serve its purposes?
• What conclusions are drawn?
• Are these conclusions justified?
Writing Style and Text Structure (Criteria 4)
Follow these possible focus questions if you are asked to evaluate the assigned text based on this criterion:
• Does the writing style suit the interest of the target audience?
• How the elements of the text were organized? Can it be organized in different and better manner?
That’s all about the first step of review essay writing: critical reading. Later comes the hard part, fleshing out the entire essay just out of the ideas, that’s essay writing. If you think external assistance from an expert can help, we have a solution right here for you.
How Can Help You to Write a Review Essay?
If you are asking yourself how to write a review essay, here’s your chance to get the answer from someone who knows the process better than you. On that matter, has assembled a team of expert review essay writers who are eligible to handle simple to complex essay topics. Review essay writing services are now available for the students who feel overwhelmed to compose a review essay.
Students who want to avail review essay writing services get confused by hundreds of essay writing services that claim to provide quality review essay writing services. Sadly, many are fraudulent and have no original identity. But here at, you can be assured that you get quality review essay writing services from genuine writing service provider.
The principles that abides by are ensuring that the assignment solution we deliver is of top-notch quality and free from any plagiarism. Our each assignment solution is created by our expert review essay writers who are experienced in producing a paper of high standards.
We understand it is hard to believe someone with money; it is also hard to take help from someone unknown. To help you clear your doubts related to review essay writing, we describe how to write a review essay.
How to Write a Review Essay?
After understanding the role of a review essay writer, here comes the next step: how to write a review essay. Review essays, both short and long, usually have a similar structure. But before initiate the writing process, you can ask your instructor ‘how to write a review essay’. He or she will tell you the instructions for formatting and structural specification.
The length of an introduction of journal article review should be not more than one paragraph. But it should be two or three paragraph long for a longer book review. After placing a hook at the beginning of the introduction, include few opening sentences that reflect the author’s name, text’s title and briefly explain the text into context. Later in the introduction, you should present the purpose of review essay writing and summarize key arguments. In the conclusion of the introduction, you should briefly state your evaluation of the text. You can project either positive or negative response, even a mixed response.
The middle of the essay reflects a short review of the assigned readings. While each book needs to be introduced and addressed in terms of its purpose, approach, use of evidence, argument and a major contribution to the respective field. The mainly body paragraph is divided into two segments, summary and critique.
1. Summary:
In summary, you are supposed to present the key points along with a limited number of examples. You can also briefly explain the authors’ purpose/intention throughout the text also the structure of the text. Discuss how the elements of the text are organized. It takes only a paragraph not more. After setting the scene, you should move to putting up your evaluation.
2. Critique:
In this section, you present a balanced discussion. This part should reflect an evaluation of the weakness and strengths and notable features of the text. The discussion should be based on specific criteria. A good review essay always reflects other sources to support your evaluation. Here you can include the references from related sources to strengthen your argument. You can choose how to sequence your body paragraphs. Here are some examples to get you some idea of it:
• If your evaluation is inclined towards negative evaluation, you should present positive points first than the negative points at the end.
• If there are both strengths and weaknesses in the text, you need to decide the overall judgment. For example, you focus on the key idea of the text and have both negative and positive comments.
• Each paragraph should address a different criterion including both negative and positive points.
A conclusion should not take more than one paragraph. And this is usually a very short paragraph. In review essay writing, the conclusion should
• Restate your overall point of the text
• Include a brief recommendation of how the text can be improved in terms of ideas, research, approach and theories
• Reflect your last words to help your critique to be fair and reasonable.
We hope you got the answer to your question ‘how to write a review essay’ and are ready to implement the strategies in your writing. To make the best of it, you can take assistance from expert review essay writers who are easily available online. now offers review essay writing services. The best part is you can easily purchase our high-quality review essays because they come at very student-friendly prices. We also offer discounts and offer deals to fit your budget. Our review essay writing services are customized to meet your specific needs. Moreover, our papers are free from any hint of plagiarism. Our team of review essay writers is trained to produce high quality papers within the given deadline.
We know that there are certain writing styles that your instructor wants you to follow. This is why we make sure expert review essay writers are well-versed in different academic styles. This is just one of facilities that our customer enjoy while availing review essay writing services from us. There are many, the major ones are as follows: