Essay Title: The Greatest Discovery by Mankind
Today, according to many biologists, we humans are in the midst of a sixth extinction. They back their statement with the fact that as human travelled from continent to continent, the large animals started to disappear. If you look back in history, more than 400 years earlier, Copernicus had proposed that the Earth was not the center of the universe. It took several generations to accept the fact. Later, Galileo proved the heliocentric theory by using telescope. Science can be tentative. But it brings clarity to the chaotic world just like computer does to human life.
Discoveries should always be made for the greater good of the human race; not like nuclear bombs that put a question mark on human survival. But it is also true that each discovery has a role to play in the world. Among all discoveries, computer has proved to be a blessing in disguise for mankind. Computer is indispensible for any workplace. It is considered as the compliant that is supposed to help the employees.
Among thousand other reasons why computer should be tagged as the greatest discovery is the fact that it can never be replaced by the human brain. The irony is computer is a man-made invention but it is more capable than any other human brain. You might say that human brain can also perform similar tasks, but we all know that computer system executes the same tasks 10 times faster than human being along with 100 percent accuracy. All you need do is to convey the problem to this technology.
Computer’s storage capacity gives you the facility to avoid redoing the task just because you need to add something to your paper. It lets you use as many files as you want and organize them in a very coherent manner so that you can find them in your needed moment. As Bill Gates once rightly said, “Paper is no longer a big part of my day. I get 90 percent of my news online, and when I go to a meeting and want to jot things down, I bring my Tablet PC.”
There is no field that has been untouched by computers. Each sector and every field uses computers for all sorts of purpose. In educational field, you can produce assignment tasks, PowerPoint presentations, videoconferences and many other things by taking substantial help from the computer technology. It is evident that computer have become the most powerful element in several activity that people do in their houses, workplace and educational institution.
Computer has become synonymous with necessity in human life. It is the most powerful tool ever created, and you can see the evidence in front of your eyes. One of the greatest advantages of computers is that it saves great amount of time.
There is no doubt that it is the greatest invention of the 20th century. It actually enables us to learn, communicate and practically do whatever we want. It has changed the face of technology for everyone.
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