PhD in Mathematics with Specialization in Industrial and Systems Engineering
A faculty at Curtin University, I am also part of the university research team. I am also a senior subject matter expert at for the last two years...Read more
My areas of expertise are category theory, computation, control theory and the associated areas of research. I also have a couple of research paper, published in a reputed mathematics journal. Read Less
Criteria for Evaluation1. What criteria should Pierron apply to evaluate each of the alternatives? Based on these criteria, what is your evaluation of the various alternatives? 2. 2. What decision would you make and Why? David Wood wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The author does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The author may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to prot...
Get AnswerOverall, the primary task of this assignment is to deliver a 15-minute presentation on a scientific paper that you have found during your practical sessions. The topic of the paper must lie sufficiently within your subject area, and be recent, published in the last 3 years. Your presentation must present an understanding of the paper, carrying an acceptable technical detail (not just an overly simplistic overview). You will be expected to present five slides on your chosen paper...
Get AnswerMarketing Background1. Topic/Business TESLA Car Company 2. Marketing Communications Plan Students must research on the business, and develop a marketing plan to help the company solve its problem. 3. Marketing Background External Influences • Economic Trends • Social and Demographic Trends • Technology Trends • Regulatory Trends Competitor Analysis • Market Share Trends • Marketing / Marketing Communications Strategy Assessment Product (Brand) Analysis &...
Get AnswerMedia ComparisonAll students must post at least one long post and two short posts for each of these two lessons. by their due dates. All students must read the following reading assignments very carefully. Chapter 6 on "The News Media" from the Struggle for Democracy by Drs. Greenberg and Page, and Chapter 13 on the “Mass Media” from the Democracy for the Few by Dr. Parenti. Scholarly research shows that the mass media help set the political agenda for ordinary citizens. But th...
Get AnswerIronic parallels between charactersThere are four general categories for the topics (character, imagery, directing [of play]), each of which has options. Choose ONE of these options. I. Ironic parallels between characters: develop an essay in which you analyze moments in the play when, counter-intuitively, two characters are set in ironic parallel – often two characters who are very different, if not outright opposed: e.g., Shylock and Antonio; Antonio and Portia; Lorenzo and Portia; Ant...
Get AnswerReflecting on Historical Issues Facing Indigenous People in CanadaIn this assignment you have the opportunity to explore in greater depth historical issues facing Indigenous people in Canada. You will examine those issues in relation to what you learned in the assigned readings for this unit. You will reflect on how these issues could inform the actions that you take toward reconciliation. Comparative Film Review Your assignment is to prepare an audio/video review (3-5 minutes) comparing TWO of...
Get AnswerIdentifying the Date and Nature of the TextText commentarry : 1. Identify the date ( when was it written and what do you know about this period?)2. Identify the nature of the text ( is it a letter, a speech, an article from the press? What can we expect? For example a letter can easily send a personal idea to..)Â 3. Â Identify the author, his name, his quality4. Identify the recipient ( to whom was it addressed, for 1, for more recipients? Is there a hidden one?)5. Iden...
Get AnswerInstructions to Students1. This assignment must be submitted electronically by 2pm on the submission date2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the Blackboard module concerned. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit3. You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced, and you will N...
Get AnswerTasksAnnotated Bibliography InstructionsAn important part of the concept analysis is review of articles related to the concept you will focus on. An annotated bibliography is a method you can use to summarize and assess the articles that you plan to use for your concept analysis paper. Grief is the concept of focus in week 2. You are required to write an annotated bibliography of two articles related to grief. One article must have an empirical referent of grief. For example, your required r...
Get AnswerQuestions: The goal of this assignment is to personally assess aspects of development that were covered in the course. In a 7-8 page, double- spaced paper comment on the following: 1. Describe 3 concepts from the textbook that apply to you in your current stage of development; identify the concept, define it, and explain how it applies by giving examples. 2. Describe 2 concepts of development that were evident in your life at a previous stage; identify the concept, define it, and explain ho...
Get AnswerHome Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 11 days
I would definitely recommend it to anyone that have tight deadline for assignment.
User ID: 1***59
Assignment: 10 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
Excellent work. Writers selecting is fabulous. Administrative team members work was good.
User ID: 1***42
Home Work: 3 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
Completed all the points necessary, will definitely be using again. Thank you for the help
User ID: 9***83
Programming: 9.2 Pages, Deadline: 20 days
On time, covered most of the question necessary, would definitely recommend to a friend, and also I am old customer
User ID: 6***6
Assignment: 12.8 Pages, Deadline: 6 days
Thank you very much for making me pass the module. Very decent assignment done by an expert and glad I passed my subjects. This makes me more and more ...
User ID: 4***5
Programming: 6 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
Thanks and good work ,fast response i am happy to upload my other assignment :)
hope to get good grade
User ID: 3***25
Essay: 2 Pages, Deadline: 11 hours
It was Perfect
User ID: 2***1
Thesis: 4 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Your solution is good I got good marks in all your solution this time also I get good marks
User ID: 3***4
Programming: 4 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Really exceptional work! Met all requirements and some. Would recommend for any assignment.
User ID: 1***096
Home Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 4 days
great work and well delivered within time happy with resolution got thank you very much I greatly appreciate your support
User ID: 1***607