Assessment Task
Write an essay in response to the following:
âOutline and compare structural-functionalist and conflict perspective on society. Apply both perspectives to the situation of a mother in contemporary Ireland â how we can understand her predicaments in the light of both theories?â
Your essay must include:
1. A summary of the key components of the two perspectives on society (consensus and conflict):
  Present the summary of the most important core points of the two models by drawing on the works of Durkheim and Marx. Be selective.
2. A comparison of aspects of the two frameworks:
  Select certain aspects of each framework then compare and contrast them. Choose certain aspects to illustrate your argument.
3. An application of certain aspects of each framework to contemporary Irish society:
 Apply both frameworks to the situation described in the essay question. How do they describe the situation of a mother? How do they      explain the motherâs role?Â
Assessment Criteria:Â
Content and structure  40% |
Answers topic question Clear justification of points Logical organisation and presentation of the paper Well-supported claims Coherent arguments Conclusions |
Sources 20% |
Variety of sources Legitimacy of sources Currency and relevance of sources |
Language and style 20% |
Appropriate vocabulary, formal academic tone Correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting Fluent sentences, clear transitions, and effective paragraph structure Referencing |
Individual Contribution 20% |
 Originality |
Total 100% |
Generic Learning  Descriptors  Assessed |
 Including: defines, describes, identifies, knows, labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls, recognizes, reproduces, selects, states, comprehends, converts, defends, distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends, generalizes, gives an example, infers, interprets, paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes, translates.  |
Percentage |
Quality |
Description of Criteria for Reference  |
90-100 |
A Supreme performance demonstrates: work that provides evidence, not only of preparation and organisation of material, but also of originality and maturity in response. An exceptional ability to organise, analyse and present arguments fluently and lucidly. Highly-developed capacity for original, creative and logical thinking. |
80-89 |
An Outstanding performance demonstrates: Â deep and systematic engagement with the question set, a comprehensive mastery of the subject matter; amply supported by evidence. Â Â Students demonstrate the ability to make logical, well supported arguments, broad knowledge and understanding of the topic as well as extensive reading. |
70-79 |
Excellent performance demonstrates: An excellent command of subject matter, evidence of informed and highly accurate discussion and well developed communication skills. Strong analytical skills; provides original perspective on subject matter. |
60-69 |
A very good performance demonstrates: Work that is well organised, and shows a solid understanding of the topic and an ability to develop an argument. Generally accurate, coherent and well structured. Appropriate issues have been identified and discussed. |
50-59 |
 GOOD  |
A good performance demonstrates: A satisfactory grasp of the subject matter, but somewhat lacking in focus and structure. Main points covered in answer, but lacking detail. some development of argument. Â Ideas insufficiently supported by reference and characterised by omissions and minor errors. |
40-49 |
An acceptable performance demonstrates: a basic grasp of the main issues involved. Some evidence of factual knowledge but contains omissions and inaccuracies. Disorganised structure. Limited evidence of research and reading. |
30-39 |
A barely adequate performance demonstrates: Poorly organised expression; insufficient grasp of question or activity; very basic knowledge of subject matter but compromised by inaccuracies, omissions and major errors;. lack of organisation and poor presentation, significant errors and  irrelevancies |
20-29 |
An unacceptable performance demonstrates: Unclear thought and inappropriate and disorderly expression; little grasp of question or task; misunderstanding of subject matter or activity; no organisation; high preponderance of major errors and irrelevancies. |
10-19 |
A totally unacceptable performance demonstrates: off the point, repetition, aimless, illegible, meaningless. No grasp of the issues involved. Complete failure to address the question. |
0-9 |
Rewriting of question, unintelligible writing, inappropriate commentary, not addressing question in any way |
General Assessment Submission Requirements for Students:
   1. Online assignments must be submitted no later than the stated deadline.
   2. All relevant provisions of the Assessment Regulations must be complied with.
   3. Extensions to assignment submission deadlines will be not be granted, other than in exceptional circumstances. Â
   4. Students are required to retain a copy of each assignment submitted, and the submission receipt.
   5. Assignments that exceed the word count will be penalised. Â
   6. Assignments that are under the word count will be penalised.