E-Library resources use the below site it should be not less that 5 resources. USE THIS SITE FOR E-LIBRARY RESOURCES write your answer in an essay format: introduction, body paragraph(s) and a conclusion. Write one essay for each question and make sure to label your answers. Referencing:
Q1. Critically analyze and discuss the key forces in the general and industry environments that affect Ford’s choice of strategies.
Q2. Critically assess Ford internal resources, assets and capabilities that may give Ford a competitive position. Explain how Ford creates value to customers. Identify problems you think they are facing in respect.
Q3. Discuss Ford Business –Level strategies and Corporate-level strategy .What are the advantages and disadvantages generated from such strategies? Suggest ways by which Ford may improve and sustain its competitive position.
The TMA must be done with strict compliance to the guidelines and instructions stated, otherwise there will be penalties in form of marks deduction as per the university’s policy. You are encouraged to collaborate with others in studying, but submitted work copied from or written jointly with others is not acceptable. Submitting work that has been done by someone else and persistent borrowing of other people’s work without citation are obvious instances of plagiarism and are regarded as cheating. If a case of plagiarism is proven, this is a serious offence and the disciplinary procedures will be followed, as described under the Examination Policy of the AOU. Cases of plagiarism will receive a mark of “Zero” on the assignment. Please refer to AOU plagiarism policy.
1. TMA must be written in ESSAY (discussion) format, BULLETS and NUMBERING to be avoided. Avoid writing TMA in first person tense. E.g. “I suggest that …” or “ I am going to discuss…”etc.
2. Word count should be exact with 10% (More/less) tolerance.
3. You must acknowledge all sources of information using full Harvard Style Referencing (In-text referencing plus list of references at the end) Minimum of 5 references are required. MUST include E-library and course materials.
4. Wikipedia is not recommended as a reference.
5. Copy and paste-plagiarized work will be detected by TURNITIN and heavily penalized
6. TMAs to tutors through emails and late submission not permitted.
7. Strictly use the PT3 form accompanying this TMA.