An overview of the research that aims to explore virtual leadership in tertiary education in Malaysia University during Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this research is to understand the challenges faced by lecturers and the possibilities that they have done to provide teachings and knowledge to their students. This chapter consist of background of study problem statement, research objectives and research questions significance of study.
Research objective
Research question
1. Briefly describe your role (office, committee, classroom, etc.) as it relates to student learning and assessment (if appropriate).
Probes: How are you involved in teaching, learning, and assessment here? How did you get involved?
2. What makes you to use innovative teaching and/or assessment techniques in your teaching?
3. What is the strategy at this institution for improving online teaching, learning, and assessment?
Probes: Is it working – why or why not?
Purpose, development, administration, recent initiatives
4. What bothers you when you get notice that government wanted the institution to having virtual class?
Is having online classes will be a problem to you as there are many issue such as internet problem or student do not pay much attention to your classes.
1. What kinds of assessment techniques tell you the most about what students are learning and the problem that you encounter while you teaching online?
Probe: What kinds of assessment most accurately capture what students are learning and what awareness that you should create for student during online classes?
2. Are you involved in evaluating teaching, learning, and assessment practices at either the department or campus level? How is this achieved?
3. What solution do you use to solve the challenges faced by virtual leadership?
Department and Discipline
1. What are some of the major challenges your department faces in attempting to change online teaching, learning, and assessment practices during Covid-19 pandemic? What are the major problems?
Probes: How can barriers be overcome?
How can awareness been created to overcome the problem encounter?
2. To what extent is teaching and assessment valued within your discipline?
Teaching and Learning
1. Describe how online teaching, learning, and assessment practices are improving during COVID-19 pandemic and what awareness had been created and problem that you encounter during this virtual online teaching in this Covide-19 pandemic.
Probe: How do you know and how do you notice the problem that you encounter is serious. (criteria, evidence)
2. What specific new online teaching or assessment practices have you implemented in your classes?
3. What types of faculty development opportunities do you see emerging on your campus that focus on online teaching and learning strategies for the classroom? (Institutional or disciplinary?)
Probes: What motivates you to participate in instructional development programs during COVID-19 pandemic?
How frequently do you attend such programs and what is the purpose of attending these kind of programs?
How are these programs advertised to faculty?