We are going to assume that it is going to be built on the corner of Barbadoes Street and Tuam. There is currently a Wilson car park on the location of the site. A site visit if highly recommended before starting the project. See site location plan
Start date: TBC
Contract duration: Approx.14 months (Including ground improvements)
Conditions of contract: NZS 3910
Prior to the commencement of your works, another contractor will have completed a separate ground improvements contract. During these works, excavated material will be stored on site to and used for backfill later. You are to manage and protect the excavated spoil heap until used.
A set of drawing plans are accessible to assist you in the completion of this assignment. A site visit will be carried out during class time, which will familiarise you with the project and will assist with the sequencing and methodology of the project.
A comprehensive construction programme will be available that will be used for some class activities and to familiarize students with more complex programmes. A shortened version of this programme will be used for the tasks associated with; Cash Flow; Monitoring Progress; Producing and Information Required Schedule.
You can assume that the Site Specific Safety Plan (SSSP) and Site Specific Quality Plan (SSQAP) have been already been completed and can be referenced when completing the portfolio tasks.
The portfolio will consist of a series of tasks that will be discussed in the class sessions. You maybe provided with additional information during the class to assist you compiling the tasks. Some time in class will be allotted to completing of the tasks. The following task need to be included in your portfolio:
Organisation Charts
Management chart (organisation chart) specific to the project. This will include the support off site as well as the expected on site team. They could be produced as two separate Management Charts (on and off site). Include client team as well The charts should name all staff and team members, indicate responsibility lines and detail the durations and/or percentage allocation for each staff/team member.
Separately describe the roles and responsibilities of each of the staff and team members involved at site level on the project. Making sure you have covered all aspects of the works as discussed in class.
Document Control
Describe a process for managing the flow of information on site. This should include but not limited to the following: correspondence; issue of drawings/specification; RFI’s; site instructions.
Explain how information is obtained, distributed and updated for the project. Provide some typical examples of the type of forms used on site.
Electronic cloud based information distribution systems are now commonly used on site, research one of these systems. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of these systems compared to the traditional paper based or site based electronic systems.
Logistics: Site Set Up and Temporary Works Checklist Provide a detailed site plan indicating the location of all the required site set up and temporary works facilities. This should include but not limited to access (vehicle and pedestrian); storage; offices; welfare; fencing; temporary services.
Provide a legend and a brief description explaining why you have chosen a particular layout and method.
Include a separate lifting plan layout. Describe your chosen method of moving and erecting materials on site. Include a schedule of typical lifts.
Waste and Environment Plan
Prepare a site waste and environmental plan. Provide acceptable methods for the control of waste, silt protection, vehicular access, stock piling. ECAN can be used as a source of reference.
Describe how you intend segregating waste on site, including hazardous material, paint wash out etc. Produce a plan indicating how you intend implementing your waste and environmental plan on site.
Communications on site: Site Meetings
Produce a schedule of the proposed site meetings that would be typically held on site. Indicate who should attend, location and frequency of these meetings.
The meetings could be divided into the following three groups: Client and Main Contractor Meetings; Subcontractor and Supplier Meetings; Health & Safety Meetings.
Produce an industry standard blank agenda form for a typical client meeting that could be used for taking minutes during the meeting.
Monitoring Progress.
Produce a progress report for a client monthly progress meeting. It will include the following: