Assessment 2: Stakeholder Report See the Study Guide p. 8 for full details of the requirements for this assessment. Choose one of the following scenarios as the basis for your Stakeholder Report: 1.A chocolate producer decides to switch cerAficaAon for its chocolate range from Fairtrade to Rainforest Alliance. 2.A US MNE decides to move back its automobile component manufacturing operaAons from China to the US installing robots for producAon. 3.An internaAonal oil and gas company seeks permission to explore for oil and natural gas in New Zealand. 4.A major internaAonal retailer in Australia uses transfer pricing to move profits to a low tax jurisdicAon. Tips! •If there are many possible issues you might address, choose the most important one to focus on. You may menAon other potenAal issues also, but then explain and jusAfy your main choice of focus. •Choose two clearly contrasAng stakeholder perspecAves to compare. Choose stakeholders clearly impacted by the scenario. •You may want to consider both posiAve and negaAve perspecAves of each stakeholder group. •Note that the business itself is not a stakeholder opAon. You should choose two stakeholders of the business in the scenario presented. •Note also that you should NOT idenAfy and analyse any actual company in this assignment, although you may in your research come across actual companies in the given posiAons. Focus your analysis on your chosen issue and your two stakeholder perspecAves. •There are no recommendaAons required