Your submissionwill include a physical model (a specific designproductor objectthat representsyour findings)and a supporting text that reveals your research findings which explainswhat you have found about each culture; how their practices and representativeformsare applied tosite or object; how the twocultural expressionscompareor contrast;and describes your physical submissionin detail.Aims:•To demonstrate an understanding of how culture influences designformand representation.•To document and physically demonstrate how two different cultures may contrast and/or complement each otherinan applieddesignform and setting.Details:To complete this project you will first selectand study two different cultures and the waystheyeach show their unique cultural identity through design representationand form (e.g. identify specific images, symbols, forms, materials and practicesas adopted by each group).Secondly you will identify a theme or design typethat allows you to apply theprinciplesyou have identified into a cohesive design product. The final designproduct should clearly demonstratethe designprinciplesand style of eachculture(placed side by side or in opposition to each other)andshow their similarities and/or differences. This final physicalformmight demonstrate a relationshipthat isharmoniousor it might be in juxtapositionwith the other. Your supportive text should provide commentary on this–why you chose that specific formand how the two halves of thedesign relate to each other