Read the description of an ethical situation faced by a manager. Drawing on your materialson ethical behaviour in business, answer a, b and c.Background Renata manages a small company with15staff. The company specialises in technology upskilling and training for elderly people. There is a good deal of trust between Renata and her staff. The staff operate reasonably autonomously, managingtheir own time with the clients. This has always worked well. Lottie is the newest employee ofthe company. Very recentlyher behaviour has become problematic-clients have complained oflateness, unexplained absences and impaired attention during her tutorials. Two staff membersclaim tohave seen Lottietaking drugs at a festival and at a party held by a mutual acquaintance. The company has a zero-tolerance policy on drugs and alcohol that allows for testing at the company’s discretion. A confirmed positive test results in compulsory rehabilitation sessions, withdismissal for a future positive test.The ownerof the companysuggests thatRenata introducea programme for staff of ongoing,random drug testing, sothatLottie will not feel singled out, and to deter her (and any other staff) from taking drugsin the future. Renata identifies three options for action:1.Initiate performance management procedures for Lottie, and implement a programme of ongoing, random drug testingthat will apply to all staff.2.Initiate performance management procedures for Lottie andask Lottie to undergo a drug test.3.Initiateperformance management procedures for Lottie.a.Apply the consequentialist perspective to assess each ofthe three options. (Word guide: 400 words.)(15 marks) b.Apply the rights perspective to assess each of the three options. (Word guide: 400 words.)(15 marks) c.Apply the virtues perspective to assess each of the three options.