A review of relevant background literature on assessment in mathematics. As a minimum you must include: (i) a brief description of the three recognised main types of assessment (Diagnostic, formative, summative). (ii) What teachers need to take into consideration when implementing different types of assessment (e.g. time spent in terms of knowledge gained about the student's mathematics understanding). (iii) What are some of the advantages/disadvantages of the various types of assessment (e.g. what do you learn about the students conceptual understanding of mathematics concepts when comparing the oral diagnostic interview to other assessments?).These are some suggestions. (iv) You are expected to explore other issues associated with assessment, which you gauge from your reading. Ministry of Education documents (e.g. Numeracy compendium reports and research found in NZMaths) may be used as part of this body of literature. Marking These are the key indicators to determine the quality of your assignment. Literature Review (8 marks) • Links made to academic reading(s) are relevant and appropriate. • A brief description of at least three different types if assessment is made • What teachers need to consider when implementing different types of assessment is identified • Advantages and disadvantages of diagnostic assessments are considered in relation to other assessment types. • Other aspects of quality assessment are explored