How to Write a Business Case Study - Tips and Examples
Case studies are common ways that educators, students and business people present problems and answers for businesses of all kinds.Business case studies are teaching tools that are used by many business schools, colleges, universities, and corporate training programs.
Most business case studies are written by educators, executives or heavily educated business consultants. However, there are times when students are asked to conduct and write their own business case studies.
For example, students may be asked to create a case study as a final assignment or group project. Student-created case studies may even be used as a teaching tool or a basis for class discussion.
The case studies you write for Assessment 3 may be used in future classes with your permission.
A case study is a lot like a short story with settings (context, organisation or workplace), characters (employees and managers), tensions (the major theme of your argument) and a plot (how the characters navigate the tensions that emerge from the issue you have identified)
I suggest you use the Harvard Business Review method for writing fictionalised case studies. You can see examples of HR case studies by going through the links below.
Case Study: Will a Bank’s New Technology Help or Hurt Morale?
Case Study: Should an Algorithm Tell you who to Promote?
You could also use images and graphic storytelling techniques if you want to From the examples shown so far, you can see that although every business case study is a little different, there are a few elements that every case study has in common. Four common elements are:
- Every case study has an original title. Titles vary but usually include the name of the company as well as a little info about the case scenario in ten words or less.
- Every case has a learning objective.The objective might be designed to impart knowledge, build a skill, challenge the learner, or develop an ability. After reading and analyzing the case, the student should know about something or be able to do something.
An example objective might look like this: After analyzing the case study, the learner will be able to demonstrate knowledge of approaches to organisational behaviour and understand the implications of choosing an X approach over a Y approach for employees.
- All cases have a story-like format.They often have a protagonist with an important goal or decision to make. The narrative is usually weaved throughout the study, which also includes sufficient background information about the company, situation, and essential people or elements.
- Questions at the End.There should be enough detail to allow the reader to form an educated assumption and make an informed decision about the questions (usually two to five questions) presented at the end of the case.
- The Case Study Protagonist
- Case studies should have a protagonist that needs to decide. This forces the case reader to assume the role of the protagonist and make choices from a particular perspective.
An example of a case study protagonist is a Human Resource Manager who has two months to decide on an HR strategy for a team that could have a drastic impact on morale or organizational culture. When writing the case, it is important to ensure that your protagonist is developed and compelling enough to engage the reader.
- The Case Study Narrative/Situation
- The narrative of a case study starts with an introduction to the protagonist, their role and responsibilities, and the situation/scenario that they are facing. Information is provided on the decisions the protagonist needs to make.
Details include challenges and constraints related to the decision (such as a deadline) as well as any biases the protagonist might have.
- The next section offers up background information on the company and its business model, industry and competitors. The case study then covers challenges and issues faced by the protagonist as well as the consequences associated with the decision that the protagonist needs to make.
Exhibits and extra documents, like financial statements, might be included in the case study to help learners reach a decision about the best course of action.
- The conclusion of a case study returns to the main question or problem that must be analyzed and solved by the protagonist. Case study readers are expected to step into the role of the protagonist and answer the question or questions presented in the case studies.
In most cases, there are multiple ways to answer the case question, which allows for classroom discussion and debate.