159100 Introduction to Programming
Course Learning Outcomes Assessed:
• Define variables and perform input/output operations.
• Control program flow with conditional and iteration statements.
• Write, compile and debug C++ programs.
• Construct suitable Graphical User Interfaces and generate beginner-level graphics.
• Write, compile and debug C++ programs
The assessment’s aims are to demonstrate proficiency in:
• Writing, building, and running a C++ program.
• Defining a class and using its member variables and member functions.
• Creating Graphical User Interfaces.
• Using the Qt framework.
The assessment’s objective is to:
• Write a C++ program that allows a user to interactively enter their details and the print’s details; as well as, export the print history to a file.
The program should be able to:
• Let a user enter their full name and phone number and the print’s start time and expected finish time to a print order list.
• Let the user add multiple prints to the print order list.
• When a print has been marked as “Done”, add the completed print order to the print history list and remove it from the print order list.
• Let the user export the print history to a text file.