Aims: Describe internal and external issues and challenges that are catalysts for change in an organisation and explain how change management affects organisational performance.
Brief: This assignment focuses on change management in organisations and involves undertaking research into how effective change management techniques can impact on organisational performance within the context of a Ngai Tahu owned business.
Learning outcomes:
The Learning outcomes associated with this assessment are:
1: Describe internal and external issues and challenges that are catalysts for change in an organisation.
2: Explain how change management affects organisational performance.
Assessment Tasks (LO1, LO2)
You are going to join Ngai Tahu as an intern over the summer season and the operations manager seeks you to look at internal and external factors affecting Ngai Tahu and prepare a proposal advising a change and how it will affect Ngai Tahu performance. You need to present the proposal to senior management in 4 weeks.
You have decided to present your proposal in the form of a Report.
Task 1: Present a change proposal as a report that will be used to identify change management theory and practices that includes modern layout and clear presentation of information.Your Change proposal report should clearly explain and analyse the following information. Save your report as word file and upload to Canvas
1. Two (2) internal issues that may stimulate change at Ngai Tahu Tourism Business. (10 marks)
2. Two (2) external issues that may stimulate change at Ngai Tahu Tourism Business. (10 marks)
3. Comment on Jack Ma’s philosophy about “How challenges or issues can be converted into opportunities by an organisation” in context of Ngai Tahu Tourism Business. (8 marks)
4. Three (3) recommendations regarding change for Ngai Tahu Tourism Business (with high/medium/low cost(resources), high/medium/low priority) (15 marks)
5.Propose one change considering the cost (resources) and priority ratings. (6 marks)
6. Four (4) challenges that may be encountered by Ngai Tahu Tourism Business during implementation of proposed change (16 marks)
7. Apply 4 theories or techniques that can be effective in implementation of Ngai Tahu Tourism Business’s proposed organisational change. (20 marks)
8. Create a scenario for Ngai Tahu Tourism Business that shows the importance of continuous improvement and change (requirements for change and/or the consequences).