- Demonstration of reading and engagement with course work
Show that you have engaged with the required reading (ie the relevant Panelli chapter), and a supplementary reading from the list on BB by writing a summary
o Summarise the main argument the reader is making in 2-3 sentences.
o What position is the author coming from? Does the author have a political angle? Can you situate the author in relation to one of the approaches discussed in weeks 1-2?
o Write one question that you’d like clarified in the tutorial as preparation, and then summarise the answer in your journal entry.
- Course Connection and Personal Learning
Demonstrate that you are making connections (or teasing out disconnections) between your reading, the tutorial discussion, the lecture material and wider issues going on in the world. Here we are looking for indications of what you have learned from the material and the wider thinking that your learning provokes. The following points might help:
o What issues, questions, surprises, concerns does the material (lectures, reading, tutorial) raise for you?
o In relation to your reading, what do you think of the author’s argument? What did you learn from the reading?
o Can you connect any of the material (lectures, reading, tutorial) to any current issues going on in Aotearoa New Zealand or other areas of the world? (You will do particularly well if you can demonstrate connections with all three sources of material)
Part II: Reflection on an Individual Situation
An overall grade is given for this part of the Journal. To do well you need to:
- Discuss the categories of difference that the individual experiences and situate these within the broader discussions from lectures/tutorials/readings.
- Draw links or make distinctions between the individual’s experiences and the readings (i.e., cite literature to support your discussion of this person’s experiences of navigating difference
- Demonstrate geographical thinking, by drawing in ideas around place and difference e.g., how have place and difference intersected to include or exclude them; how does their sense of difference shape how they act in different places eg work, home, the pub, downtown etc
- Introduce your person, and conclude your entry i.e., make sure your reflection is well structured and tells the story of the individual and their experience of social difference.
- Write clearly and succinctly. Include your reference list, and follow the Human Geography Style guide for your in text citations and your reference list (see Blackboard for the link to this booklet). Edit and check for sense, grammar, spelling.