Q1. Do an analysis of the Oman legal and court system and its objectives quoting relevant Royal Decree and how this system contributes to an orderly business environment? Doing an analysis of the Oman legal and court system and its objectives attracts 10 marks. Explaining how does this system contributes to an orderly business environment attracts 5 marks.
Q2. Investment is the lifeline of Oman or any other country. What can be done to improve the investment rules, regulations and incentives as well as procedures and easy of doing business and attract more investors to Oman in competition with other GCC countries? To answer the question you should interview any officer from one of the following institutions in Oman and do an analysis of those answers:- ASYAD, Oman Business Law (BUSS-1004)-Fall-19-CW1-QP
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), Ithraa, Ministry of Industry and Commerce or Duqm Port Authority (Muscat Office), Port Services Corporation, Khazaen City, or any shipping and forwarding company in Oman. You are required to attach the Interview Script used for the interview (minimum 5 questions). In your answers to this question you should tell us who was interviewed, his/her position and the organization he/she works for. (15 marks) Interviewing relevant officer and analysing answers to specify what improvements are required attracts 10 marks and attaching an interview script with minimum five questions.
Q3. Critically explain Oman Consumer Protection Law, the Oman Public Authority for Consumer Protection and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree in Oman, and discuss how this helps to protect people and society. Use an applied commercial Oman example to demonstrate how this law has been applied in practice (minimum one paragraph). (15 marks) Critically explaining Oman Consumer Protection Law, the Oman Public Authority for Consumer Protection and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree in Oman, and discussing how this helps to protect people and society attracts 10 marks, and using an applied commercial Oman example to demonstrate how this law has been applied in practice (minimum one paragraph)
Q4. Define a contract of employment and what information should be in every contract of employment. Discuss the circumstances or situation in which an employer can dismiss a worker without notice and without compensation as per Oman Labour Law, quoting relevant Royal Decree. (15 marks) Defining a contract of employment and what information should be in every contract of employment attracts 10 marks, and discussing the circumstances or situation in which an employer can dismiss a worker without notice and without compensation as per Oman Labour Law, quoting relevant Royal Decree
Q5. Critically discuss your understanding of copyright law and protection of intellectual property and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree. (15 marks) Explaining copyright and protection of intellectual property law and Royal Decree
Q1. Do an analysis of the Oman legal and court system and its objectives quoting relevant Royal Decree and how this system contributes to an orderly business environment? Doing an analysis of the Oman legal and court system and its objectives attracts 10 marks. Explaining how does this system contributes to an orderly business environment.
Q2. Investment is the lifeline of Oman or any other country. What can be done to improve the investment rules, regulations and incentives as well as procedures and easy of doing business and attract more investors to Oman in competition with other GCC countries? To answer the question you should interview any officer from one of the following institutions in Oman and do an analysis of those answers:- ASYAD, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), Ithraa, Ministry of Industry and Commerce or Duqm Port Authority (Muscat Office), Port Services Corporation, Khazaen City, Al Madina Logistics Services or Oman Integrated Logistics Services. You are required to attach the Interview Script used for the interview (minimum 5 questions). In your answers to this question you should tell us who was interviewed, his/her position and the organization he/she works for.
Interviewing relevant officer and analysing answers to specify what improvements are required attracts 10 marks and attaching an interview script with minimum five questions will attract.
Q3. Critically explain Oman Consumer Protection Law, the Oman Public Authority for Consumer Protection and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree in Oman, and discuss how this helps to protect people and society. Use an applied commercial Oman example to demonstrate how this law has been applied in practice (minimum one paragraph).
Critically explaining Oman Consumer Protection Law, the Oman PublicAuthority for Consumer Protection and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree in Oman, and discussing how this helps to protect people and society attracts 10 marks, and using an applied commercial Oman example to demonstrate how this law has been applied in practice (minimum one paragraph).
Q4. Define a contract of employment and what information should be in every contract of employment. Discuss the circumstances or situation in which an employer can dismiss a worker without notice and without compensation as per Oman Labour Law, quoting relevant Royal Decree.
Defining a contract of employment and what information should be in every contract of employment attracts 10 marks, and discussing the circumstances or situation in which an employer can dismiss a worker without notice and without compensation as per Oman Labour Law, quoting relevant Royal Decree attracts.
Q5. Critically discuss your understanding of copyright law and protection of intellectual property and its objectives, quoting relevant Royal Decree. Explaining copyright and protection of intellectual property law and Royal Decree will attract.