1. Assessment One: Case Study Report
Research Topic: Prepare a research Individual report of 3000 words (plus or minus 10%; i.e. no less than 2700 and no more than 3300 words, excluding references) on the following topic:
'Attention to the Triple-Bottom-Line at the International Level has grown leaps and bounds in the last decade, primarily owing to the awareness of governments, societies, and individuals of the need to be sustainable. Using three case studies of multinational firms, examine and describe the current trends in triple-bottom-line among multinational corporations, and demonstrate how these firms have developed their business strategy around it. Conclude by providing insights into the future of businesses with or without attention to triple-bottom-line related issues.’
The assessment must include and strictly comply with the following structure:
1) Executive summary. Between 300-350 words.
2) Introduction. Between 250-300 words.
3) Main Body, where the cases are discussed, using appropriate sub-headings to introduce each case (i.e. Case 1, Case 2, Case 3). Between 800-1000 words.
3) Implications of 3 above (i.e. answering the ‘so what? question’ with regard to the findings; in essence, the consequences, impacts, ramifications of what was discussed in the main body). Between 800-1000 words.
4) Recommendations for multinationals, answering the question: where do we go from here? Between 800- 1000 words.
Reference List (references must be presented in alphabetical order). In Text Citation
The Executive Summary needs to be included. You will be assessed on your ability to recognise, analyse, and discuss the key issues in the topic, as well as on your ability to appropriately use reference material to support your arguments. The quality of the sources of information you use, as well as your referencing skills, will be assessed.
Written assignments must use the Chicago Referencing System. You are expected to use at least 30 different academic sources to support your arguments and discussion. The use of Wikipedia, Investopedia, the whole range of XYZ-pedias, blogs, and other websites is not allowed; if in doubt, always ask the lecturer before including any non-academic or any non- government references.