I need assistance in a timed quiz assignment that must be completed by 1.5 hours strictly with no further delay as this is a timed quiz.
Must be familiar with australia taxation basis.
Please also make sure you are fully competent and full confidence to know how to do well, so kindly ensure you are really familiar with the tested content below before accepting this timed quiz assignment please.
Timed quiz tested content:
Franking and business income (15 marks)
Income, deductions, taxable income, offsets and total tax payable (30 marks)
Must be familiar with australia taxation basis. When the quiz starts, then only i will be able to send the question over to you.
I have also attached some references for the tested content, please kindly ensure you must read them and ensure you know how to do it and the content very well.
It will be good if you can prepare some templates in advance first for better preparation. Also, i would really need an expert that has very good and high rating and very very experienced. Also to the expert,
Please make sure you are fully competent and full confidence to know how to do well, thanks a lot.
Before accepting this assignment, i must emphasise that please ensure you read all the requirements and instructions attached and can fully committed that you are positively sure and can confirm that you are fully competent and can meet the requirements
So if you don’t know how to do the questions and do it well, please do not accept the assignment, pls understand thanks.
Please refer to the attached instructions for the requirements.
Again please kindly read it first and ensure you know how to do it well and fully competent for it before accepting this assignment.