In this assignment, you are required to respond to the question “Why do good?” in the context of a real-world case study of global concern in strictly no more than 600-words (excluding references).
Note: Global concerns are issues that every nation in the world is concerned about, such as child labour, human trafficking, migration, torture, humanitarian intervention, pandemics, scarce resources, discrimination, wars, online privacy, etc. This list is non-exhaustive.
You will be assessed holistically and marks will be awarded for the following tasks:
(a) Present a real-world case study of global concern. You should identify relevant ethical considerations for discussion.
These ethical considerations should be clearly present in the case study and should be the basis for the discussion in part B. They should inform the reader about the moral issues within the topic.
(b) Demonstrate ethical reasoning in your personal response to the question of “Why do good?”. You should make a claim and explain what doing good means in your case study (underline your claim), and apply any ethical theories you have learned in this course to support at least 2 reasons for your claim (number your reasons).
Here you should state specifically what you think would be the morally right thing to do for your case study. (For example, “Slave labour should be eliminated. We should not exploit others or coerce or manipulate them for our benefit.”)
You should provide a reason (numbered) and then use at least ONE theory or formulation to support the reason. Once a theory/formulation is used to support one reason, it should not be used to support the other reason. There should be at least 2 reasons and 2 applications of ethical theories/ formulations within the essay.
Support the reason provided using Formula of Universality / Formula of Humanity / Act Utilitarianism / Rule Utilitarianism. (Application – choose at least ONE for each reason)
(c) Discuss possible constraints or limitations to any of the theories you have discussed within the context of this case study.
Are there any limitations to the theories/ formulations you applied in part B?