a. Introduction
Assume that you are an economic consultant hired by an international organization/government to provide your expert advice on economic conditions pertaining to the United States and Ecuador. Your analysis will consist of two separate reports (one for Assignment 1 and the other for Assignment 2). As an expert, your job is two-fold:
The purpose of this exercise is to assess your aptitudes in each domain. You will evaluate the economic conditions in these countries (the United States and Ecuador) based on the scenarios detailed in each question in this assignment. Your analysis will form the basis for a short report to the international organization/government body summarising your analysis and the associated rationale.
b. Data Source
For your data analysis, you first need to obtain data from the World Bank (see the link below) and follow the steps described below. Notice that World Bank regularly updates its database; therefore, it is crucial to obtain all data as soon as possible. The data range is from 2003 to 2018.
You need to obtain the country-level data for the United States and Ecuador on:
c. Required Task
Your tasks involve two dimensions. First, you need to analyse the data (see Steps 1, 2 and 3 in the next section). Second, you also need to perform a technical analysis by considering a hypothetical trading environment based on Ricardian model (see Step 4 in the next section).
Accordingly, you are required to:
d. Required steps to complete each task
Data Analysis
For data analysis, you need to follow Steps 1, 2 and 3 given below.
Step 1. Using the data you obtained for the United Stated and Ecuador, calculate the correlation coefficient (using CORREL command in excel) between openness and GDP per capita (which is a proxy for economic development) for each nation. Report and interpret this relationship and state for which country this relationship is stronger. When reporting, you can round off each correlation value to 2 or more decimal places.
Step 2. Using the data you obtained for the United Stated and Ecuador, calculate the correlation coefficient (using CORREL command in excel) between Openness and the GINI Index (which is a proxy for the ratio of skilled to unskilled wages for each nation in empirical studies).1 Report and interpret this relationship and state for which country this relationship is stronger. When reporting, you can round off each correlation value to 2 or more decimal places.
Step 3. Assume that the United States is a skilled-labour abundant country, whereas Ecuador is an unskilled-labour abundant. First define, Stolper-Samuelson theorem and then check whether your data findings from Step 2 are in line with the Stolper-Samuelson theorem. Explain your answer.
Technical Analysis
For technical analysis, you need to follow Step 4. This is the continuation of technical question from Assignment 1. In the previous assignment, you analysed the closed economy when there is no trade between them. Now, you will be asked to analyse what happens when these nations trade with each other, i.e., open economy.
Step 4. In order to conjecture the circumstances in these two countries under free trade, consider the following hypothetical scenario based on Ricardian model. Assume throughout that those two countries (the United States and Ecuador) are the only two countries in the world, at least for purposes of trade. There are two goods: computers and textiles. Consumers in both countries always spend half of their income on computers and half of their income on textiles. The only factor of production is labour. Each U.S. worker can produce 4 computers or 2 textiles per unit of time. Each Ecuadorian worker can produce 2 computers or 3 textiles per unit of time. There are 100 workers in the U.S. and 80 workers in Ecuador.