Assessment task details: You are required to choose one (1) of the following three contemporary ethics issues (Topics 1, 2 or 3) for analysis and produce a board briefing paper for tabling at the next meeting of the company’s board of directors. Board members gain a great deal of information about the decisions they need to make through the papers they receive prior to a board meeting. Board papers are often prepared by non-board members. Papers cover a variety of functions, from providing general information to a call for action. For example, section 180 of the Australian Corporations Act 2001 outlines that directors have a statutory duty of care to have read the board papers to be able to contribute effectively to board meetings. In this briefing paper you will argue either in the affirmative (for) or the negative (against), providing a critical argument with evidence to support your argument. Whilst the tone of this writing is slightly different to an essay, this briefing paper must have essay-like qualities. That is, you are required to formulate an argument, undertake research to locate academic references, and support your argument with theories covered in this course. You are also required to table recommendations for the board to consider based on your analysis of the issue, including future action and possible barriers (these must be theory driven/evidence based). To formulate your argument, you are required to undertake research to locate academic references using online databases (e.g. EBSCO, Proquest, Emerald, Science Direct etc). You must to use at least 12 academic references to support your argument. Literature pointers will be provided on the Ethics & Governance Canvas site. Also, please read the Ethics & Governance - Guide to Assessment 1: Research Essay for details on essay writing, research and referencing requirements for this assessment. E&G Assessment Guide See also the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Directors Tools on Board Papers Meeting Effectiveness (Links to an external site.) Topic 1: Boeing's 737 MAX In 2019 flaws became apparent with the Boeing 737 MAX design. The board would like a board paper with recommendations on the Boeing case. Explore the interaction between organisational context and the issue (moral intensity, moral language and framing). What role does organisational schemas/scripts and moral language play in ethical decision making within this case? How can unethical/poor decisions be avoided? (Answer with reference to course and assessment task Beyond ‘bad apples’ and ‘weak leaders’ Toward a neo-institutional explanation of organizational deviance'. Theoretical Criminology, 10(3), 361-385. Topic 2: Purdue Pharma and the US opioid addiction crisis In 2019 Purdue Pharma were criticised for having created the US opioid addiction crisis. The board would like a board paper with recommendations on the Purdue Pharma case. Explore the interaction between organisational context and the issue (moral intensity, moral language and framing). What role does organisational schemas/scripts and moral language play in ethical decision making within this case? How can unethical/poor decisions be avoided? (Answer with reference to course and assessment task 1 literature, theory, concepts, and further research.) Topic 3: Tesla and Elon Musk's Tweets In 2019 the SEC charged Elon Musk for misleading the market in a series of tweets. The board would like a board paper with recommendations on the Tesla case. Explore the interaction between organisational context and the issue (moral intensity, moral language and framing). What role does organisational schemas/scripts and moral language play in ethical decision making within this case? How can unethical/poor decisions be avoided? (Answer with reference to course and assessment task 1 literature, theory, concepts, and further research.)