The company is 7eleven Select a company, research its corporate annual reports and other financial and business sources. You should look for attributes such as location of production, R&D, headquarters, workforce, product markets, ownership, assets, investment and finance. The core question here is whether the firm's official "home" is relevant to its operations (as Tyson suggests) or irrelevant (as Reich suggests) I just need you to write the second part which is 2. Corporate national identity in the 21st century (the Reich Tyson Debate, and other perspectives on corporate national identity) about 750 words. Structure 1. Introduction 2. Corporate national identity in the 21st century (the Reich Tyson Debate, and other perspectives on corporate national identity) 3. The history of your firm 4. Your firm today (this should make up half of the whole essay, and respond directly to the question of corporate national identity as discussed in section 2) 5. Conclusion Tips: Remember that the core question of corporate national identity (as debated by Reich and Tyson) was not merely whether firms conducted operations at home or abroad (these are all international firms by definition), but whether their national "home" is relevant to their business decisions and strategies. Therefore, simply listing the foreign activities of a firm does not necessarily tell us that the company is a "Reich-type" global firm, just as listing its home activities does not prove it to be a "Tyson-type" national firm. Instead, look for evidence that a firm is making decisions relating to the location of its activity that suggest a loyalty to its home country, or a reflections of its national values that can't be explained by merely business strategy