Mr. Looi Eng Hong is a 72 year oldman who is recovering from a mild CVA and is currently admitted for severe exacerbation of his COPD with dyspnoea on minimal exertion. He has moderate dysphagia and dysphasia. During the last 48 hours he has spiked a temp at night and has become listless. On examination you note he is diaphoretic, looks flushed and glassy eyed and he is breathing through pursed lips. He remains febrile -his temp is 38.7 C and his SaO2 is 89% with 4 LPM via Nasal prongs. He has a severe cough with small haemoptysis. You auscultate his chest and hear decreased breath sounds and wheezing. The resident examines him and makes a provisional diagnosis is pneumonia. Mr. Looi doesn’t want an IV and refuses oral antibioticsor any other medication. Throughout the shift he continues to refuse foodand takes onlysips offluid. Enteral feeding is discussed and this will also enable antibiotic therapy however when this is suggested Mr. Looi he indicates that he doesn’t want the naso-gastric tube and becomes quite agitated. Mrs. Looi is happy for health care staff to do “anything that needs to be done.” The resident comments that antibiotics and the feeding tube arenotextraordinary treatment and queries whether or not Mr. Looi is actually competent to decide due to his overall condition.He asks you to go ahead and organize for NGTinsertion. The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding and application of ethical theory and principlesin order to justify whether or not you will follow the doctor’s ordersand go against the patient’s wishes. Ethical principleswhich may be relevant to this case include:•Autonomy•Beneficence•Non-maleficence•Veracity•Fidelity•Justice.Ethical theories which may be relevant to this case include:•Consequentialism/Utilitarianism•DeontologyRemember that the focus of Assessment Twois ethical and not legal issues. Thus, for example, even though there may be legal issues within this scenario, limit your discussion to ethical issues.
Suggested approach•Ensure that you include atitle page correctly filled out with your details.•Include a brief introduction & conclusion with your paper.•You may make use of sub-headings.•Ensure correct application of APA6/7referencing guidelines both for in-text citations and on the reference list.•Ensure your discussion of relevant ethical principles (or theory) is always applied to the case of this particularpatient.•Consider the rights of all parties invol