This task also requires you to demonstrate a basic grasp of research ethics and the part played by research ethics in using evidence to inform your EBI. You are also expected to show skills of critical reflection in both the choice of research evidence and the issues that using this evidence may engender (i.e. caveats attached to various types of evidence). Write a report to your tutor that: Critically evaluates how tutor and peer feedback have impacted on your approach and changes to your evidence-based proposal. Provide a critical review of different sources of evidence that you propose to use for your EBI. This should include: Stakeholder influence on the EBI proposal. Issues around access to data/evidence that you will need for your EBI. Any potential bias in the evidence that you may wish to use and how you will deal with this. How the EBI is likely to be used by your organisation. Provide a summary of how you have considered ethical issues within your study Based on the nature of the problem identified and proposed EBI, detail specific ethical issues concerning collection of data following various cycles of inquiry and how you deal with them; confidentiality of data and who will be privy to the results of the study. Provide a critical reflection on how your position in terms of power in your organisation may affect your evidence-based proposal (400 words).