Have to Make Mention From Section 96 to 106A Talks About the Rights of Private Defenses. The Rights of private Defenses can be seen in Provision Section 96 to 106A https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/PC1871#legis and talks about Rights of private defenses. Right of Private defenses can be also seen as General Exception and also have rights of private defenses when we talk about Murder is one of the exceptions to murder.. Mention both of this in the assignment, Have to explain how it’s applied in the context of murder and how it’s applied generally From Section 96 onwards. Need to understand and explain the concepts of rights of private defenses applies in criminal offences. It can apply from Section 96 to 106A in the sense of private defense’s, the person will be free or acquitted of the charge. If the private defense is use in context of murder offense is one of the exceptions which is exception 2, it’s means the accused does not go free. Which means the charge is reduces to culpable homicide. Tan Chor Jin v PP (2008) 4 SLR 306, leading case on private defense, what needs to be proved for this defends to work. Have to use the Citation above.
You need to find out how the person is going to get assistance from eg from whom, Member of Parliament, Lawyers etc.
Write about what happens in the courts & how the judge protects a person’s rights of private defenses