Stage Three –Industry FeedbackIn the final stage, you will seek feedback on your initial draft Leadership Development Plan from a person in a leadership position and capable of providing you with objective feedback on your personal Leadership Development Plan. Incorporate the feedback from the leader in your final leadership development plan (which will also be placed at the end of your report as an appendix). Ideally, the identified leader who will provide you with feedback should not be from within RMIT University or yourrelative.ThisleadercouldbethesamepersonasStageOneoradifferentleader.Toassistwiththe feedback stage, you should provide the leader with the ‘Feedback Checklist’ (seeCanvas).At this stage, you must :
1.Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into yourplan;
2.Describe how you will evaluate whether or not you have reached the level of development set out in your plan (e.g. how will you know that you’ve achieved the goals set out in your leadership development plan? what kind(s) of data and information will informthis?);
3.Provide a conclusion on how your final Leadership Development Plan would make an impact on your future lives andcareers.Key questions you might think of at this stage:
a) what did the leader have to say about your draft leadership development plan?
b) how have you modified your draft as a consequence? (For example, if the leader you consulted said that your timeframe to achieve your leadership goals was unrealistically short, did you then extend the timeframe top achieve