As COVID-19 infections increased in Singapore, the government took steps to mitigate and control the spread with the announcement of a two-month “circuit breaker”lasting from April-June 2020. The pandemic and specifically, the circuit breaker has altered the lives and routines of people. Read the following articles forbackground.Baker, Jalelah Abu.(2020, June 2). “Singapore’s circuit breaker and beyond: Timeline of the COVID-19 reality”. Channel News Asia.Retrieved from oh, Christopher.(2020, December 22). “From face masks to Zoom: How our lifestyles changed in the year of the pandemic”. Channel News Asia.Retrieved from This assignment seeks your views and opinionson the impact this episode has had on Singaporesociety, by addressing the following tasks.
a)Explainwhy theCOVID-19 globalpandemic ispertinentand relevant inunderstanding society and social life?Describe howinSingapore, boththegovernment and peoplehave respondedto the pandemicin the initial phases.
b)Usingat least two concepts from the social and behavioural sciences, presentan account of how the circuit breaker affected the various ways and areas in which the everyday routines of people were affected or disrupted. In addition, consider the various social institutions that are a part of people’s everyday lives, which may have been affected by the circuit breaker
c)Using relevant examples from your earlier responsesin (a) and (b), identifyand presenttwo industriesor business sectors that could have gone obsolete/non-functioningduring thecircuit breaker.Use relevant social and behavioural science concepts to demonstrate your understanding of the connection between these industries and people’s engagements with it as a part of their routine and everyday live