This coursework accounts for 100% of the total mark for this module Submission of Assessment Your assignment must be submitted electronically via Turnitin by the given deadline. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment is submitted before the submission deadline stated above. See the University policy on late submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below). General Information Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the e-Learning Portal (Blackboard) site for the module. Students are advised to read and follow this information. Instructions on Assessment This assessment accounts for 100% of your HR9510 module mark. Choosing three of the ten topics covered on the module you are required to write a which demonstrates your theoretical understanding of the topics as well as your understanding of why this is important in organisations. As an appendix to this report you are required to include a personal skills framework which demonstrates the skills you have developed throughout the module and your goals for future development. Further information is provided below. Part A: 2500 word report (75%) Choosing three of the ten topics studied on the module you are required to submit a report demonstrating your theoretical understanding of the topics as well as your understanding of why this is important in organisations. Topic Choice You have studied ten topics on the module. You should choose three topics to focus on for this report. Your choice of topics can be based on a range of factors including those which are linked most closely to your future employability goals; those which you have enjoyed studying; or those which you think are most important in today’s organisations. Report Structure The following is an indicative outline of the structure you should follow in your report: Introduction A brief introduction outlining the purpose of your report and what you will be addressing in the main body of your report. Topic One – Choose from Human Resource Management in Context; Strategic Human Resource Management; Recruitment and Selection; Learning and Development; Absence and Health Management; Total Reward; Performance Management; Employee Relations; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Future Challenges in Human Resource Management. Topic Two (must be a different topic from that chosen above) - 700 words– Choose from Human Resource Management in Context; Strategic Human Resource Management; Recruitment and Selection; Learning and Development; Absence and Health Management; Total Reward; Performance Management; Employee Relations; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Future Challenges in Human Resource Management. Topic Three (must be a different topic from those chosen above)- 700 words – Choose from Human Resource Management in Context; Strategic Human Resource Management; Recruitment and Selection; Learning and Development; Absence and Health Management; Total Reward; Performance Management; Employee Relations; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Future Challenges in Human Resource Management. Conclusion A brief conclusion that summarises the key points you have covered in your report and introduces the personal skills framework that you will attach as an appendix. For each of the three topics you choose you should Reflect on why this is important in organisations drawing on recent organisational and practitioner’s challenges and developments; Demonstrate your comprehensive academic understanding of the topic by drawing on academic texts from your wider reading (both theoretical and empirical contributions); and Building on this understanding you should discuss how organisations can improve their practice. Part B: Personal skills framework (25%) This section of the assessment requires you to complete a personal skills framework and attach as an appendix to your report (the template is available for download from Blackboard under ‘Assessment’ and is included as appendix 1 to this brief). For each of the ten topics covered on the module you are required to reflect on the following two questions and record your reflections in the template. This template should be completed on a weekly basis following the seminar. There is a word limit of 200 words for each topic which applied to the whole framework not to each topic. What new knowledge did you gain and which skills did you develop this week? Make a note of what you learned this week. This may be from the lecture; seminar; wider reading or independent study. If you got feedback in the seminar from your peers or tutor should also include this as evidence of personal reflection. How does this knowledge and/or skills relate to your future career plans? Consider what you noted for question 1 and how this relates to your future career plans. For example if you are planning a career as a manager in retail how has what you have learned in the area of performance management going to be useful for you? At the end of the personal skills framework there is an objective setting section where you are required to set three objectives develop further based on your learning on the module. Remember that these objectives should be Specific; Measurable; Attainable; Realistic; and Time-bound.