Add (to the arraylist) all information about a courseworkor researchstudent (except the overall mark and the grade) by reading it from another text fileand determine the student’s overall mark and grade.3.Output from the arraylistthe details (all information including the overall mark and the grade) of all students currently held in the arraylist4.Compute and output the average overall mark for courseworkor researchstudents5.Determine and display how many courseworkor researchstudents obtained an overall mark equal to or above the average overall mark and how many obtained an overall mark below the average overall mark6.Given acourseworkor researchstudent number (ID), view all details of the student with that number. If the student is not found in the arraylist, an appropriate error message is to be displayed7.Given a courseworkor researchstudent’s name (both surname and given name –ignoring case), view all details of that student. If the student is not found in the arraylist, an appropriate error message is to be displayed8.Sort the arraylistof the student objects into ascending order of the students’ numbers (IDs), and output the sorted array 9.Output the sorted arraylistfrom (8) to a CSV file