1. Students should obtain a copy of the Business Model Canvas created by Osterwalder, A and Pigneur, Y (2010) Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, p.44. The business model canvas comprises nine building blocks: 1. Customer Segments 2. Value Proposition 3. Revenue Streams 4. Channels 5. Customer Relationships 6. Key Activities 7. Key Resources 8. Key Partners 9. Cost Structure Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Generation provides a detailed explanation of each of the nine building blocks of the business model canvas. You can also obtain a copy of the business model canvas from these websites: https://www.businessmodelsinc.com/about-bmi/tools/business-model-canvas/https://www.strategyzer.com/canvas/business-model-canvas https://canvanizer.com/new/business-model-canvas 2. Students should select a company from any industry and any country in the world and use the business model canvas to design a business model for their chosen company. You will need to undertake independent research on the company to design your business model canvas for your company, with a key focus on the nine building blocks listed above. 3. Students should then write an evaluation of their chosen company’s business model which should identify its strengths and weaknesses and evaluate how and why the chosen company’s business model differs from that of a key competitor in the same industry. Possible examples (you do not have to use these examples).