Evaluate the existing strategy of the business and make recommendations to the board of directors as to the future development of the business' strategy. Your evaluation and recommendations should be presented as a management report.
Are your recommendations rational?
What evidence can you provide in support of these recommendations?
What conclusions have you drawn from analysing this organisation?
You have studied the strategic options available to the business. You are now required to independently evaluate the existing strategy of the business and make recommendations to the board of directors as to the future development of the business' strategy. Your evaluation and recommendations should be presented as a management report.
Critical analyse of the organisation’s strategic direction, determining which theoretical models have valid applications in different environmental contexts and making practical use of mainstream strategy concepts to assess the organisation strategic direction.
1. Account for and critically evaluate the organisation's strategic decisions within the context of its external and internal environment, using swot/tows frameworks to support your analysis.
2. Synthesise your understanding and knowledge of critical aspects of the organisation's strategy and the strategic process in your conclusions and recommendations.
3. Demonstrate an ability to independently research, present, analyse and critically evaluate relevant data and appropriate academic literature to support your analysis, conclusions and recommendations.
4. Demonstrate effective communications skills to enable a clear presentation of key findings, results and recommendations.