Question 1Write an op-ed (an opinion piece for a newspaper) that connects socialdistancing with the concept of place-makingin Singapore. How is place-making affected by social distancingmeasures, such as the onesimposed in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak? Is place-making still possible when social distancing is made mandatory? You should choose an example of a place in Singapore as a case study to describe your argument. The op-ed should demonstrate your knowledge about the socio-cultural and economic aspects of the space/place, your knowledge about place-making, as well as relevant quantitative or qualitative data to support your argument on the impact of social distancing on place-making.The following are the expected components on which this op-ed assignment will be marked:â—�Identifyimportant socio-cultural aspects of the place and economic activities, both in the past and in today’s context.
SCO201Tutor-Marked Assignment 01SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS)Page 3of 5â—�The theory / concept: Explainwhat place-making is about (to a layperson who is reading your op-ed), why place-making is important, and how social distancing affects (or does not affect) place-making.â—�Discussrelevant quantitative data (such as statistics, demographics) and/or qualitative data (such as quotes from accessible interviews) in building the argument in the op-ed.â—�References in APA Style: Although usually op-eds do not need references, for this exercise you need to demonstrate that all the information you use for this piece is based on reliable sources. All references should be properl