TASK DETAILSYour team hasdeveloped an automated menu system (Singapore Polytechnic Automated Menu2–SPAM2)with a whole list of features.Withoverwhelming demandand limited budget,the management hasdecided to setupadditional outletsoutside SP, using public WIFI (e.g.Wireless@SG).The source code givenisfor your evaluation and reference. You can modify them based on your design. The programs containno security features.Your group is tasked to enhance the design, and implementation to provide the needed security with other enhancement features.
ST2504Applied CryptographyAssignmentDISMPage 2It hasbeen decided by the management thatthe menu-of-the-dayinformation required onlyintegrityprotection in transit. However, the day-closinginformation required both confidentiality andnon-repudiationprotection. Your team has been tasked to: •Conduct a security risk assessment. (See appendix A)•Createa proposalto overcomethesecurity risks identified.(See appendix B)•Implement the solution(See appendix C)•Arrange a demonstrationsession with your tutor.Yourgroup should propose and implement security mechanisms needed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity,andnon-repudiation ofimportant databeing exchangedand store