SWK105E Human Growth and Life-span Development
Your report will be assessed as follows:
1. Explain by comparing and contrasting the major changes (biological, cognitive, socioemotional) experienced by the two young adults you have interviewed. Identify and discuss significant changesa and/or experiences that the young adults considered as challenges for this stage of life. Highlight the gender differences in your discussion. (Note: For this question, you do not need to refer to theories.
2. Critically discuss the theories and/or principles you have learnt in the chapters on early adulthood development (e.g., the physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development). Then, apply these ideas to understand how the developmental processes have contributed to the main challenges faced by the young adults you are analysing, with reference to concrete example from your interview data.
3. Discuss one of the most interesting/fascinating things about early adulthood that you have learned from this mini (informal) research. In addition, review how has your own experience similar or different to the two young adults you have interviewed