CE 251 Water resources planning using weap software
Project Description: (Evaluation of Long-Term Water Supply and Demand) Develop a long-term water plan (2010-2050) for the Sacramento River Hydrologic Region using the WEAP model. The plan should include evaluation of long-term future “water supply” and “demand” of the region impacted by population growth, socio-economic factors, and climate change. Then propose a Water Plan in terms of “water supply augmentation” or “demand reduction” to alleviate “water shortages”, if any, under different population growth/climate change scenarios. The water supply system includes 3 major surface reservoirs; Shasta dam on Sacramento River; Oroville dam on Feather River, and Folsom reservoir on American River, and major aquifers. Water supply from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is also included. The water demand includes agricultural and municipal water demand of the area. Must utilize all the available data. Project Guidelines WEAP Sample Schematic (Sacramento River basin) Each student will individually work on one component of the project. Each student is responsible to create a WEAP model that covers the component assigned to him/her. Write a two-page summary (space 1.5, font: Calibri, 1- 4 inch margins) of his project component. . Projects components: Agriculture and aquifer demands The report shall include:Data collected and its source Assumptions made clearly stated and the reason for that assumption WEAP Output Reservoir operation and Hydropower generation Urban optimized demands (any unmet demand) Industrial demands (all demands met) Agriculture demands Consumptive use Shortages Aquifer Storage capacity Discussion and recommendations Communication mode Sources of data DWR –CDEC Bureau of Reclamation • County of Sacramento, and major cities in the county with a population of 5,000 or more people.