Write a 1000-1300 word essay (approximately three-pages, double-spaced, in 12 point font) in which you answer the following prompt: Pick one of the CIT Questions listed below from the syllabus, and compare and contrast how two authors from the list below answer that question. Possible authors (all texts in the Common Reader) include:
Pope Benedict XVI
Dorothy Day
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Gustavo Gutiérrez
The CIT questions:
What does it mean to be human and what is my relationship with God?
What does it mean to live a life of meaning and purpose?
What does it mean to form a more just society for the common good?
Only write on the four authors listed above. Again, these texts are in the Common Reader. This is to prepare you for the Final Exam.
State a clear, strong thesis statement(s) towards the beginning of the essay. Make sure it states: 1. your response to the prompt for your particular topic and 2. The textual evidence you are about to discuss to support this argument. In other words, tell me clearly in the first paragraph where you are going for your discussion.
It is required that you cite (see directions below) at least four specific examples from each text (i.e. eight total) to support your discussion. Remember that even paraphrases should be cited! This is an exercise in critical reading and accurate writing, so make sure your explanations of your citations are accurate to the context.
Upload your essay to Blackboard (under “Essay 2”) in a Word supported file format (.doc or .docx) by the due date. Please include your last name in your file name.
Cite parenthetically the page number(s) at the end of the sentence. No additional information or formal bibliography is required. Example: As Pope Benedict writes, “Only in truth does charity shine forth” (6).
Remember that your essay will be scanned by SafeAssign. Avoid plagiarism!!!
Grading Criteria
Is there a strong introductory paragraph that provides a clear thesis that addresses the assignment’s topic as described in the instructions? (5 points)
How well is the thesis statement illustrated with appropriate content that answers one of the CIT questions as described in the instructions? (10 points)
Are references (both direct quotes and paraphrases) properly cited? Are there at least four citations from each author (i.e. eight total)? (10 points)
How well is the textual evidence evaluated and interpreted to reflect the context? (10 points)
How well is this evidence organized and synthesized to present a coherent explanation? Did the author produce a lucidly written essay which conforms to the conventions of standard, written, academic English? (15 points)
Two-point penalty for every day lat