EPSY 6303 Educational Measurement
Educational Psychology PhD EPSY 6303 Educational Measurement Order : Assignment 1 (EXCEL) assignment1.xlsx (attached file) Module 2: Basic Statistical Concepts for Measurement Assignment 1 Use the “assignment1.sav” or “assignment1.xlsx” data to answer the following questions. 1. Calculate descriptive statistics for reading writing math and science 2. Calculate the correlations among reading writing math and science 3. Develop a linear regression model, treating civics as the dependent variables and reading writing math and science as the independent. 1) What is the estimated regression equation? 2) How would you characterize the relationship between the two variables? ASSIGNMENT Activity Icon Assignment 1: Download (Word File) - Alternative Formats Use the “assignment1.sav” or “assignment1.xlsx” data to answer the following questions. Calculate descriptive statistics for reading writing math and science Calculate the correlations among reading writing math and science Develop a linear regression model, treating CIVICS as the dependent variables and reading writing math and science, as the independent. What is the estimated regression equation? How would you characterize the relationship between the two variables? Datasets: (SPSS) assignment1.sav (EXCEL) assignment1.xlsx Reference for "civics": https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/civics/whatmeasure.aspx Civic Knowledge The civic knowledge component draws heavily on the National Standards for Civics and Government developed by the Center for Civic Education and covers the broad range of content that forms the basis of civic understanding. It is organized into five main categories, expressed as questions. What are civic life, politics, and government? What are the foundations of the American political system? How does the government established by the Constitution embody the purpose, values, and principles of American democracy? What is the relationship of the United States to other nations and to world affairs? What are the roles of citizens in American democracy?