PART I: Short Analysis/Reflection Part I Prompt: Thinking through the materials we have covered this semester, what reading/idea have you found most impactful? Be specific in explaining why. In doing so, you must use direct evidence (1-2 quotations) from at least one reading. • You may choose any reading from the semester, but your analysis should differ from/expand upon answers you have given in previous assignments (if applicable). • 1-2 paragraphs, double-spaced. • Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, one-inch margins. Please use Part II Prompt: Choose two concepts from the list below to discuss in detail. Explain your understanding of these two concepts based on direct materials from this class. How do these concepts help us better understand the role/impact of race and/or ethnicity in the United States? • You must reference at least one lecture and use 1-2 pieces of direct evidence (quotations) from at least two readings from this course. • At least one of these readings must come from Week 10 onward. The other reading(s) can come from any week of this semester. • You do not need formal citations, however, please state which readings and lectures you are referring to in your answer. For example, you could say, “In the lecture entitled, “The Model Minority Myth,” the instructor addressed. . .” • You must begin your answer with a thesis statement (see directions below).* • You may not use outside sources. • 4 pages, double-spaced. • Times New Roman, 12 pt font, one-inch margins. concept 1: immigration will attach lecture notes. use