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Analyzing Alexander the Great's Hellenistic Fusion and Multicultural Views through Arrian and Romm

Analyzing Arrian's Monograph on Alexander the Great

Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander or Romm, James, ed., Alexander the Great: Selections from Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarch and Quintus Curtius (Hackett Pub., 2005) Respond to ONE question from the list below, which is associated with the monograph you have chosen. When responding to the question, your paper must present a clear, evidence-supported thesis and must reflect your ability to “develop a well-reasoned argument” and demonstrate your ability to “identify, analyze, and evaluate the arguments” of major writers and authorities who write and publish in the field of history (FLCC’s Critical Thinking Competency). To accomplish this, it is necessary to muster specific evidence, and as many concrete and relevant examples as possible, from credible/reliable historical sources. 50% of your cited information must be derived from one of the assigned course monographs (Garland, Arian, Romm, Casson, Rosen, Gies, or King) and the other 50% will come from additional sources (see below). Remain focused on the question and do not provide any unnecessary background or unrelated material. Do not summarize the book or give a chapter by chapter recounting. Be specific and concrete at all times. • Your paper must reflect your knowledge and use of “basic research techniques,” and your “ability to gather, evaluate and synthesize information and data from a variety of historical sources. In addition to your critical analysis of your chosen course monograph, you must utilize and reference a minimum of five additional sources (50% of the total citations made). This does NOT include the Backman texts assigned for this course.  You should utilize both printed/published and electronic sources. In order to ensure the credibility of your electronic or internet-derived sources web addresses should end in .gov or .edu. Do NOT use Wikipedia, (or similarly, potentially unreliable sources) as well as insubstantial, short-cut sites like Encyclopedia Britannica etc. Legitimate academic sources can be obtained via the JSTOR database (the FLCC Library maintains a link to this site). As a rule, please avoid .com websites, unless approved by your instructor. If you are uncertainty about the legitimacy/value of a source, please ask your instructor. My class lectures and PowerPoints, and the textbooks for the course, should not be used as sources for this assignment.  Primary source material should be represented in your list of sources. These are original/eyewitness material rendered during the historical period you are investigating (rather than more recently). These should be properly cited in your bibliography (see below). You need at least one major primary source in your paper You must use an appropriate method of citation. When making a specific reference to material contained in your sources, please use the MLA format as your method of citation (indicating where the information was found). This style should be used for both parenthetical citations and your bibliography (works cited page).  Your paper should contain a properly-formatted bibliographic page, which reveals the various sources you consulted during the production of your paper: the monograph you’ve selected from the course booklist, as well as your additional five primary and secondary sources. Title Page should include: Your name, Course prefix and section number, date and a title for your paper. Your paper should be written in the third person. It is not an opinion paper (avoid phrases like “I think” or “I believe”) and should not be presented in the first person. In developing your historical case, you need to rely upon the work of acknowledged, expert historians. Your tone should always be formal and colloquialisms should be avoided. The past tense should be applied (you are discussing historical material).  It should be a minimum of 5 pages in length (exclusive of a title page and a bibliographic page), double-spaced and presented in 12 point Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial font. Margins should not exceed 1 inch on all sides. No images or other “fillers” should be used (except on the title page if you wish).Pages are to be numbered (except the title page and bibliography, which contain no numbers).  Remember to proofread your work thoroughly before handing it in. The spell checker on your computer can only identify some errors, but usually not grammar and syntax. A good essay is one that is coherent, well-organized, well-referenced and flows smoothly. Papers containing a large number of spelling and grammatical errors will be returned as “unreadable.”  Your term paper should be your own work and there should be no collaboration or division of labor with any other students (even if they are in the same section).  Plagiarism will result in an F being assigned for this assignment. Please refer to the “How to Avoid Plagiarism” link on Blackboard For Arrian’s The Campaigns of Alexander or Romm’s Alexander the Great, please respond to ONE of the following (A or B): A) Discuss the ways Alexander the Great’s career reflected the Hellenistic Fusion –spreading Greek traditions across the ancient world while simultaneously incorporating non-Greek (Egyptian, Persian, Bactrian, Parthia, Indian etc.) traditions into his own way of doing things. --- OR --- B) What evidence exists that Alexander the Great was both an enlightened thinker and multiculturalist (committed to spreading the benefits of
