INFT3045 Social, Professional & Ethical Issues in Computing
Analyze the issues and stakeholders in autonomous vehicles, expanding on the case as relevant to the current information and news. Be sure to Identify all relevant stakeholder groups Analyze their concerns, being sure to consider some of the topics we covered along with any other topics you think are relevant Identify relevant ethics, laws, and norms Explore how relevant ethics, laws, and norms might offer different perspectives on implementing options Identify issues to be resolved Make a clear recommendation based on your analysis Citation for Attached Chapter: Quinn, M. J. (2019). Ethics for the Information Age (8th Edition). Pearson Education (US).
Is it wrong to create machines capable of making human labor obsolete?
Will humans become demoralized by the presence of vastly more intelligent robots? If so, is it wrong to work on the development of such robots?
Is it morally acceptable to work on the development of an intelligent machine if we cannot be sure that the machine’s actions will be benevolent?
How will we ensure that intelligent robots will not be put to an evil purpose by a malevolent human?
How will our notions of intellectual property change if computers become capable of creative work?
How will our ideas about privacy have to change if legions of superfast computers are analyzing the electronic records of our lives