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Analytical Paper: Using Title VII and the Equal Pay Act to Combat Salary Disparity Among Male and Fe

Introduction and Background Information

Introduction and Background information(15 points) The purpose of this section is to introduce your topic in question and provide background information to get the reader up to speed on the topic.  It is necessary to briefly describe the background of this topic in order to provide appropriate historical and legal context of the topic.  Finally, this section ultimately must lead to the problem statement or thesis statement.  The thesis statement should connect the topic to the law in question.  For example: “This analytical paper will prove that Title VII and the Equal Pay Act provide the best legal grounds to combat the salary disparity between male and female coaches.” An overview/interpretation of the law and how it applies to your thesis/problem statement. (20 points) The purpose of this section is to provide an overview and/or interpretation of all the laws that apply to your thesis statement.  It is necessary to cite the exact law in question and all pertinent information pertaining to the law as it applies to this topic.  Descriptions of the landmark cases that have helped shape the landscape surrounding your topic of interest. (20 points) This section describes the landmark cases that are relevant to the topic and the law in question.  Think of this section as a brief summary of each of the relevant landmark cases.   A comparison/contrast section(25 points) The purpose of this section is to offer both sides of the legal argument.  With the above thesis statement example in mind, it is possible defend against the pay disparity between male and female coaches because of certain affirmative defenses (seniority system, merit system, quantity/quality of production).  Therefore, students should pull from other cases, law review articles or scholarly literature to bring the reader up to speed on the opinions/decisions that are different than the one you are presenting. The analysis section(35 points) The purpose of this section is to synthesize the opinions related to the topic. This is most adequately accomplished through case law, scholarly literature and law review articles.  In addition, this is where the previous sections (background, overview of the law, case law and comparison) are all tied together to reiterate why the thesis statement is correct.  The best papers will most effectively persuade and convince the reader as to why the aforementioned legal issue in question is the correct one in relation to the opposing viewpoints. Conclusions(20 points) The purpose of this section is to conclude the arguments and offer suggestions and recommendations, particularly for those in the sport management industry.  The conclusion must address how this topic will likely impact the sport management industry. Requirements and writing style(15 points) 1500-2000 word requirement (excluding title and reference page) in 12 point, Times New Roman font with 1” margins Use of current data and sources. All assignments must be completed individually and be of original work.  Assignments, or portions of assignments, previously submitted for this course and/or any other course are not permitted for resubmission.  Please be aware that using social media to collaborate on and share assignments with other students is a violation of the FSU Academic Honor Policy and will not be tolerated.  A minimum of 5 scholarly sources cited in APA format
