First, watch economist Linda Scott’s video about what she calls the “Double X Economy.” (If you have time, also view the longer video from 2012 that follows, in which she presents her research findings in depth). Then review her 2017 report, “Private sector engagement with women’s economic empowerment: Lessons learned from years of practice.” (You don’t need to read all 84 pages, just look for the main points.) After completing the above, prepare a paper that responds to the following: What problem does Scott identify with the world economy? What does she see as the most effective way to address the problem? What are the obstacles? Where might such solutions be most difficult to implement? What are the lessons learned? Based on your experience in your profession, provide evidence of the validity of Scott’s conclusions. What is the takeaway from Scott’s research for today’s business leaders · The assignments are objective analysis; do not use first or second person ("I” or “you”). · Written Assignments must follow proper APA format and include a title page, in-text citations, introduction, major section headings for each assignment objective, a conclusion, and a reference page. (No abstract is needed.) Written assignments must include support from at least three credible sources published in the last ten years. Credible references may come from: the Deets Library Open Source scholarly journal sites Governmental statistical and other resources Tribal or other indigenous peoples organization websites and publications Credible religious, ethnic, and professional association websites and publications. Newspapers and magazines may be cited for facts only.