You are required to perform a simulated stakeholder meeting to discuss the scenario below. Students will be assigned a role to play in the simulated stakeholder meeting. Roles will be assigned to ensure each group has one of each of the stakeholders. To do this assessment, it is necessary for you to know the responsibilities and interests of the stakeholder that you are assigned to be. To assist you with this knowledge, each stakeholder’s general scope of responsibilities is described below. It is suggested that you take some time to research more about each stakeholder’s responsibilities so that you can contribute effectively to the meetings and write your white paper.
The white paper is to be completed individually by each member of the team reflecting the impact of the proposed strategy on their particular part of the business and should be completed to the professional standard that would be required if the scenario were real.
Pro-Go Pty Ltd Scenario The scenario provides you with a brief overview of a hypothetical project for a real-life organisation. Be aware that the scenario may not cover every detail that you will need to address in the White Paper, in which case, you will need to conduct additional research, including further research into the industry concerned.
[Pro-Go Pty Ltd is a privately-owned manufacturer of small, high-quality action cameras based in Geelong, Victoria. Founded in 2004 it has enjoyed continuous year-on-year growth until the last financial year. Pro-Go has a track record of innovation, and technology that provides excellent quality results in a small package able to operate with small batteries for extended periods of time. The video files these cameras produce are known for having superior colour, and operate effectively in lower lighting conditions than competitor’s cameras. They are also marketed on the basis of their extreme ruggedness, and reliability. Much of the technology used in its devices has been patented by Pro-Go and is not currently available to other manufacturers.
The Pro-Go management team has recognised that the ability to capture videos is now a feature of most phones. It suggests to them that the future of the stand-alone camera may be limited. Pro-Go’s CEO has requested the executive team meet independently to develop a strategy to guide the company over the next five years.]
The Stakeholder meeting will discuss and agree on three strategy options for Pro-Go. In doing so, the Stakeholder meeting may consider strategy options that exist in adjacent markets or with related but different products or technologies. The deliverables required of each student are:
1. Nominate the preferred strategy option and state why you believe it to be so; and
2. Discuss the implications specifically relating to your part of the business, and what challenges these might represent. Separate the discussion into short-term and long-term issues. Students are to address the assessment task from the perspective of their own functional area ofresponsibility. Integrate theory in your white paper. Students will be assessed on the overall quality of their White Paper and their ability to comprehensively address all the areas that should be contained in such a document. Please ensure you are familiar with the marking criteria in the attached rubric before you commence planning your submission. Students should use the brief to guide what to include in the assessment and the rubric below to inform the standard required.
Your 500 word, individual, Preliminary Outline of your White paper should be structured as follows: MGT604_Assess 2 Part A Simulation_2018 Page 4 of 7
1.Executive Summary - Summarise the entire report - i.e., don’t tell the reader that the report discusses the external environment, summarise the points the report makes about the internal environment.
2.Introduction - Provide background and context to the report. Tell the reader what has happened in the past that has led to this report being needed.
3.Aim - State in a single sentence what this report is seeking to achieve.
4.Discussion - Cover the key themes you wish to address.