Chapter14: Physical Changes and Health
1. Major biological theories of aging (must include TWO or more of the following):
Focusing on biological aging describe the aging process later in life:
(1) Metabolic theory
(2) Cellular theory
(3) Genetic programming theory
2. Physiological changes normally occur in later life (must include TWO) or more of the following):
Focusing on physiological changes occurring later in life, describing three important structural changes in the neurons:
(1) Neurofibrillary tangles
(2) Dendritic changes
(3) Neuritic plaques
(4) Risk of cardiovascular disease
(5) Tansient ischemic attacks
(6) Vascular dementia
(7) Strokes
(8) Age-related changes in the respiratory system
3. Age-related declines (must include ONE or more of the following):
(1) Vision (presbyopia, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration, structures of the eye and the retina
(2) Hearing (presbycusis, reduced sensitivity to high-pitched tones)
(3) Changes that occur in memory with age
4. Mental Health and Intervention (must include ONE or more of the following):
(1) Depression
(2) Alzheimer’s disease
Chapter 15: Theories of Psychosocial Aging (must include ONE or more of the following):
5. Social involvement and healthy aging
6. Competence–environmental press model
7. Proactivity and corrective proactivity model
Chapter 15: Personality, Social Cognition, Spirituality (must include ONE or more of the following):
8. Achieving integrity in late life
9. Well-being defined in adulthood
10. View oneself differently as they age
11. Role of spirituality in late life
Chapter 15: Living in Retirement (NOT mandatory):
12. Define retirement. Why do people retire? How do people adjust to retirement?
Chapter 15: Friends and Family in Late Life (must include ONE or more of the following):
13. Roles friends and family play in late life
14. Older adults’ marriages and same-sex partnerships
Chapter 15: Caring For Partners and Widowhood (NOT mandatory):
15. What is it like to provide basic care for one’s partner
16. How to cope with widowhood and differences between men and women
Chapter15: Social Issues and Aging (NOT mandatory):
17. Housing options for frail older adult
18. Older adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation
Chapter 16: Definitions and Ethical Issues (must include ONE or more of the following):
19. Define death; Legal and medical criteria used to determine when death occurs
20. Ethical dilemmas surrounding euthanasia
Chapter 16: How to Deal with One’s Own Death (must include ONE or more of the following):
21. Use the Kübler-Ross’s approach include all five stages (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance)
22. Contextual theory of dying, emphasizing the 4 tasks a dying person must face (bodily needs, psychological security, interpersonal attachments, and spiritual energy and hope).
23. The grief process (must include ONE or more of the following):
(1) Types of ambiguous loss
(2) Difference between normal and complicated grief
(3) Disenfranchised grief
24. Chapter 16: End-of-Life Issues (must include ONE or more of the following):
(1) Dealing with end-of-life issues and creating a final scenario
(2) Need and use of hospice
(3) Making end-of-life desires and decisions known