Our team wants to analyze data on car accidents. We found the following data set for you to do this work however, if you believe this dataset has limitations, feel free to use another data set that contains car accident data in NYC or elsewhere. We believe it is best to base the analysis on data for the year of 2018 but use your discretion.
Data: Motor Vehicle Collisions - Crashes | NYC Open Data
Suggested Resource for additional data sets: Results for "Motor Vehicle"
As a possible hypothesis, you can explore and confirm whether rush hour traffic or seasons have any bearing in increased car accidents. And you can use a modeling technique to determine a relationship.
Please refer to the document titled ‘STA 9750 Final Project Requirements,’ for additional information on the project and the project requirements you must follow.
For your information, this semester we used the book, R for Data Science, which can be found here: Welcome | R for Data Science.