The presentation spans about three minutes to summanze your research. The style will be business meeting formal; whereby, you have assembled the organization management team to share your findings. A PowerPoint presentation of no more than 5 slides should contain pertinent facts that you would like to share (do not put lhe research paper or paragraphs on the slides).
The written assignment is due by beyond Ihis deadline regardless of reason. No paper will be accepted Aesthetics, mechanics of language, use of vocabulary, and style will be considered when assigning a final grade (see grading rubric).Staple your work together in the left-hand comer and order lhe pages as follows cover page, contend, end notes. Do not bind the paper or put I in a plastic cover. Oral Presentation Date: April 25th. The assiqnment continues on the back of this page.)
Ability to read and follow directions correctI' content. Direction ot the research and statement of purpose clearly defined in the opening paragraph, depth of coverage, cohesion and unity of ideas. Grammar, style, spelling, sentence structure, vocabulary, clearly articulates a message, written in active voice, and use of concrete nouns and action verbs. Use of management vocabuIary'is a requirement for credit. Revision to stream-line writing with proper transitions for clarlt'/ and readability. Proper business sources that offer accuracy, reliability, and intec|nty Full and proper APA citations (Word 2007 and higher offer easy compliances Total Within Context- Paraphrase.
In Certain cases managers resist corporate edicts concerning company practices on the 9rounds of personal ethics violations. A case in point would be pharmacists who refuse fo administer drugs such aa tfiose used as 6irth control and artificial insemination. In certain cases managers resist corporate edicts concerning company practices on the grounds of personal ethics violations. For example, Kelly, Ef/ir and Rosenthal report, in medical procedures and practices rhat were. Embryonic stem cell research, a few' these technological advances. Individuals madily embrace such medical advances, others rind them morally objectionable.â
Kelly, E., A Ellis, and S. Rosenthal "Cnsis o( Conscience Pharmacist Refusal to Provide Health Care Services on Moral Grounds." Employee Responsibilities and Righls Journal 23.1(2011) 37. Global, ProQuest. Web 13 Feb. 2013 1For a passing grado, management must be the subject and discussion of the paper. One which has not been proofread and copy-edited can only score the maximum of 70-points.Failure to cite lext properly that is either paraphrased or quoted is plagiarism; should plagiarism be identified, the work will received a grade of zero Failure to select a topic by March 22nd results in an assignment made by the professor. 2Reading a paper does not constitute a presentation, thus, this approach can only receive a maximum score of 60-points. Failure to show in class at the time of the presentation without prior approval results in a zero grade. Leaving the class after his or her presentation before the scheduled time results in one letler grade loss as lhe student is not part of the required audience. Timing is, presentations less than 1'/ minutes cannot secure a grade higher than âC". In the event of a course cancellation on the last day due to weather or other circumstances. the paper will constitute the full grade percent for the final project.